I Need You

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I opened my eyes to see Rose sleeping on the floor next to the seat. I sat up sleepily rubbing my eyes

Athena: *yawn*

Ash: Morning Sunshine

Athena: What time is it

Ash: 9:45. You fell asleep at 7 last night

Athena: Shit! I didn't take my medication from the doctor last night

Ash handed me my pill box

Ash: Take your morning pills love, Were on our way to get breakfast right now

I opened the box that said "Friday" and took the medications inside

Athena: Where are we going for breakfast

Ash: A place called, "Mac Donalds?"

Ash said hesitantly

Athena: Have you never heard of Mc Donalds?

Ace: No, We only eat what our chefs cook

Athena: Oh. Well its super good. What state are we in?

Ash: Idaho

Athena: Ok

We pulled into the Mc Donalds parking lot and woke up Rose. We then went inside and while the Boys ordered breakfast me and Rose went into the bathroom to Change. While I was changing I heard Rose whispering my name

Rose: Athena!

Athena: What?

Rose: Do you have any clothes I can borrow

Athena: Don't you have your own

Rose: No!  Ace packed nothing but short dresses so he could look at my ass and I don't want to wear a dress and I don't want anyone else looking

Athena: Oh damn, Yea let me get some pants and a shirt for you

I started digging for some pants and shirt for Rose

Rose: Thanks

Athena: Yea, Your welcome

I said handing her the clothes under the stall door

While Rose was getting changed, I left the bathroom to go find Ash

Athena: Hey

I said walking towards him

Ash: Hey beautiful

He said back pulling me into a hug while  i rested my head on his chest

Ash: Where's Rose

Athena: Changing into my clothes

Ash: Why is she changing into your clothes?

Athena: Because apparently Ace packed her bags and all he packed was short dresses

Ash: Why short dresses?

Athena: *yawn* So he could look at her ass. But she doesn't feel like wearing a dress and she doesn't want anyone else looking at her ass

Ash: Oh, Makes sense

Athena: Mhm

Ash started rubbing my back

Ash: Hey, You ok?

Athena: Yea, Just tired

Ash: And?

Athena: And i miss spending time with you. Alone

Ash: Is that so princess

He whispered against my neck, I felt between my legs get wet

Athena: Mhm

Ace: Hey, Where's Rose

Athena: In the bathroom changing

Ace: Still?

Athena: Yea i don't know what shes doing

Ash hugged me a little tighter and I felt butterflies from in my stomach

Then we heard Ace spitting something out. We both spun around to look at Ace and I jumped out of Ash's arms

When we turned to look at Ace he was standing bent over with his hand under his nose

Ace: Oh fuck me...

I turned to look what he was looking at and I could not believe my eyes. There, Standing in the entrance of the hall way, Was Rose, standing in the shortest dress I had ever seen her wear

Athena: Oh my hell...

Ash: Im uh, Im gonna remove myself from this situation

Ash turned and headed for the door, And I went racing after him

Athena: Wait for me!!

Me and Ash went and got back into the car

Ash: That was not, A sight I wanted to see

Athena: Me either

Ash slowly began sliding his hand up my thigh

Ash: Remember how you missed "alone time" With me?

I looked at him, Lust in my eyes

Athena: Yes, I do remember

Ash locked the car doors and leaned in to kiss me

Ash: Were alone now

We began making out, I was so lost in the kiss I don't remember us switching to the back seat, Him laying on top of me

Ash: I missed your taste so fucking much

He kissed me again

Athena: I wish this could never en-



Athena: AHHHH!!!

Ace: Unlock the doors sex animals!

Rose: Its fucking cold out here

Ash climbed off of me and unlocked the doors so Ace and Rose could get into the car

Ash: Your driving

Ash quickly said and climbed back into the back of the car with me

Ash laid down on the seat and patted his chest as a signal for me to lay down to, Which I quickly took him up on           

Rose: Love birds...

I heard Rose mumble from the front

Athena: Whore

Rose: Hoe

Ash: Shh, I want time with you not time with you arguing with her

Athena: Ok love 

Me and Ash fell asleep not long after, Im not sure how long we were asleep, But we were quickly woken up

Rose: ATHENA, WAKE UP  YOU GOTTA SEE THIS                                                                                                                                                                                               

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