Something Suspicious Happening

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I notice Athena and Ash walking away from the bathroom and I immediately find it weird

Athena: Hey

Rose: What was that

Athena: What was what?

Rose: You and Ash walking away from the bathroom

Athena: Come with me

Athena grabs my hand and leads me into the bathroom

Rose: Girl! What happend!! You look like a wreck, And is that a HICKEY!?

Athena: WHAT

Athena begins looking in the mirror at the mark on her neck

Rose: WELL! You gonna tell me what the fuck happend?

Athena: *sigh* I... Kissed Ash..

Rose: WHAT! You liar! That looks like more than a kiss!

Athena: Ok! We kissed in the elevator and then we made out here in the bathroom. And he kissed my neck and grabbed my ass..

Athena said with a guilty tone in her voice and looking at the ground. She was also grabbing her arm

Rose: Ooohhh

Athena: Wait, You aren't mad?..

Rose: I saw it coming. And I cant lie, Ace is kinda hot

Athena: Omg, You dirty bitch

Rose: You are to! You kissed him! And let him give you a hickey

Athena: There was more than that!



Rose: ....

Rose: Your fucked. Byeeeee

I run out of the room as soon as I see Ash standing Behind Athena. I walk up behind Ace and and begin drinking a glass of wine. Then Ace turns around

Ace: Wheres Athena

Rose: Shes fucked

Ace: What

Rose: Ask Ash about it later

Ace: Uhhhhhh Ok

It was probably about an hour later when Ash came out of the bathroom but Athena didn't come out with him.  10 minutes passed and there was still no sign of Athena so I went into the bathroom. When I walked in she was standing up against the wall, her hair and makeup were an absolute mess. Her dress was also falling off her body on one side

Rose: Woah, What happend to you

Athena: Ash is what happend

Rose: Do I even want to know

Athena: Nope. Help me fix this?

 Rose: Yea

It took us about 30 minutes to fix her hair and makeup. I also had to zip up her dress.  Her dress was zipped down to her waist. She also had more marks on her neck

After fixing her hair, makeup and dress we finally walked out of the bathroom. As soon as we walked out Ash noticed us and he eyes looked to Athena, And he looked pissed. 

Me and Athena walked over to Ash and Ace. When we got over there, a waiter offered us some wine and we happily took some. A few drinks later Ash leaned over to Athena, Whispered something to her, Then they left

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