The Ally Way Down The Street

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I stopped to In front of the ally way, a sickening feeling in my stomach. The way the light slowly gets darker and darker and the ally gets deeper and deeper, The silence in the ally, Making It creepier and creepier..


Athena: Huh, What?

Rose: dude I've been calling your name for like 5 minutes, You ok?

Athena: yea... Something about this ally way just really creeps me out..

Rose: What do you mean?

Athena: Lets just.... go home and eat.. I'll tell you at home..

Rose: Uhh, Ok..

Rose POV: Athena never told me what was bothering her about the ally way down the street from our apartment. She got some pizza and went into her room, She barely even said a word to me when we got home.. Im kinda worried about her.. But I don't know what to do, or what's bothering her about that ally way.

Rose: I don't know what to do about her.. Im really worried kenny..

Kenny: Im not sure either honestly. When Athena wants to talk about something.. she wants to talk. When she doesn't want to talk.. You can barely get a word out of her.. Just give her some time Rose. Im sure shell be alright

Rose: *sigh* Alright thanks Kenny

Kenny: Anytime, Talk to you later

Rose: Alright, Bye *hangs up the phone*

I decided to walk over to Athena's room to check on her and see if shes alright. I knocked on her door and waited for an answer, But got no reply. I quietly opened the door and found her sound asleep, Still in her clothes holding her phone. I put a blanket on her and left her alone to sleep.

The next morning I was sitting at the table drinking some coffee when Athena walked out, and her hair was a mess and her makeup was smudged.

Rose: Morning sunshine

Athena: No.

Rose: There's a cup of coffee for you on the counter along with some toast

Athena: Thanks

Rose: So uh, You alright? You seemed pretty of last night but when I came to talk to you, you were dead asleep on your bed

Athena: *sigh* I don't have a good feeling about that ally way down the street. Something about it doesn't sit right with me. You know that feeling you get when something isn't right and it makes you feel sick, Like your gonna puke sick?

Rose: Yea, why?

Athena: That's how I feel about that ally way

Rose: Hm.. Im sure its nothing, Maybe its jet lag?

Athena:  Maybe. Im gonna go apply for a few jobs today

Rose: ok i think I'm gonna do the same

Athena: alright, Be careful 

Rose: You to girl

I walked into a big building, A sky scraper almost, I stopped outside the doors, and looked up at the sign on the face of the building, Gambino CO. I took a deep breath before walking into the big glass doors. The room past the doors was a big, quiet, room. The walls and floors were made of black marble with white streaks in it. I walked over to the front desk

Adriana: Hi! welcome to Gambino CO, My name is Adriana how can I help you today?

Rose:  Uh, Hi. Umm, My name is rose Blanchard, I'm here for an interview,

Adriana: Alright, Do you have some form of ID?

Rose: Ah, Yes I do. 

I quickly pull my driver's license out of my phone case and hand it to the woman In front of me. She takes the license and types a few things into the computer before handing it back to me. She then pushes a button on her phone and speaks.

Adriana: Mr. Gambino, I have a lovely young lady at the front desk looking for an interview.

Ace: Alright send her in

Adriana: Ok

She releases the button on the phone

Adriana: Ok just walk through those doors there and there will be a door that says Ace Gambino on it, Thats who you want to go see

Rose: Ok thanks

Adriana: Yea of course, Good luck

She gives me a sweet and comforting smile and I return it and make my way through the door. I walk thorough the door and see another that says "Ace Gambino" On it and I walk towards it and knock. When I'm told to come In I open the door, step inside and close the door behind me. I turn around to see the hottest guy I've ever seen.

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