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Me and Ash were walking down the hallway when we heard talking coming from Ace's room.  We decided to check it out and instead walked in on Rose and Ace making out

Athena: What the hell Is this

Ace and Rose stopped kissing and turned to look at us

Rose: Uhhhhhh

Ace: Why don't you tell us what happend last night

Both me and Ash and went cherry red at Ace's statement

Ace: Exactly

Me and Ash left the room deciding to mind our own business. We went down to the kitchen, Which was beautiful

The counter tops, walls, floors and the ceiling were all made of black marble

I was standing admiring the the marble when Ash walked up behind me, Slapped my ass then grabbed by my hips and lifted me in the air and spun me around in the air

Athena: ASH!?!

Ash: What?

Athena:  Bring me down!

Ash: Alright, alright

Ash brought me down and pulled me into a kiss. Then Rose and Ace walked in

Rose: What the hell is this

I turned to look at rose

Athena: Shut. Up

Ace: Nah were good

Ash flipped Ace off

Ace: You wanna go bitch?

Ash picked me up and walked me over to the counter then set me down. He then began rolling up his sleeves

Rose then walked over and got onto the counter with me

Ash: Lets go fucker

Ace: Bet!!

Ash and Ace began to play fight with eachother

Rose: Soo, How was last night

Athena: I cant walk

Rose: Oop-

Athena: But, it went well

Rose: Im glad

Athena: How long do you think this will last

I said looking over to Ash and Ace play fighting on the floor of the kitchen

Rose: I have no idea. Want breakfast?

Athena: Pancakes?

Rose: Chocolate pancakes?

Athena: Even better

Rose laughed and got off the counter to go make chocolate chip pancakes

Ace and Ash quit play fighting, Then Ace walked up behind rose and placed his head on her shoulder

Ash: What is that

Rose: Breakfast

Ace: You can cook?

Athena: Yes. We both can

Ash: Damn baby

Rose: Ash, Keep your distance

Ash: What-

Athena: Its ok love, Come here

Rose turned to see Ash pouting in my arms

Ace: What are you making

Rose: Chocolate chip pancakes

Ace: Do I get some

Rose: You do if I get a kiss

Ace: Fair enough

Ace gave Rose a kiss like shed asked. Then she brought me my pancakes  then made her, Ash and Ace pancakes

Ace: Next time, Give the cook your recipe and have the cook make it. Id rather spend my time with you than having to wait for you to cook

Rose: But I like cooking

I turned to look at rose

Athena: Liar you hate cooking

Rose: I do not!

Athena: Whatever

I said rolling my eyes

Ash: Hey that goes for you to

Athena: WHAT!? But i love cookingggggg

Ash: Fine you can cook sometimes but not all the time

Athena: Finneeeee. I still hate you

Ash: That's not what you said last night when you screamed my name

I felt my face get a little red

Rose: WHAT

Ace: Run Ash, Your fucked

I grab a knife out of the drawer and begin chasing ash



Ash: IM SORRYY!!!!!



I stayed on the counter laughing

About an hour later Ash was being a baby

Ash: Athenaaaaaaaaaa! Shes scaryyy

Athena: Ash. Quit crying. Your fine

Ash: WAHHHHHH!!!!!

Rose: Oh my hell

Rose had, had enough of Ash crying so she walked up behind him with a pan and hit him

Athena: Rose!!!!!!

Rose: What

Athena: Don't kill him!

Rose: Oh relax, Hes fine

Ash woke up a few hours later, he had a headache, But he was fine. I was a bit mad at Rose, But I knew he was gonna be ok

The Mafia Twins SecretWhere stories live. Discover now