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My entire body hurt from the surgeries and the gun shot wounds. I could also barely walk, Ash practically carried me everywhere bridal style. 

When we got home Rose, Ace and Kenny were out on a grocery run so Ash carried me to his bedroom and carefully laid me down on the bed. A few hours later Ash carried me into the living room so we could watch a movie. He carefully laid me down on the couch and made sure I was comfterable

Ash: Is that alright?

Athena: Yea

Ash: Ok, Do you need anything?

Athena: Some water would be nice, Si Vous Plait

Ash: What

Athena: Si Vous Plait means Please. Its french

Ash: I had no clue you spoke french

Athena: I know love

Ash left to go get me some water and returned a few moments later with Lucy

Lucy: Omg!! Are you Alright!!

Athena: Yea.. Just in a lot of pain

Lucy: Im sorry.. Do you want me to go get you anything? Heroin? Crack?


Athena: WHAT

Me and Ash both looked at Lucy to make sure we heard her correctly

Kenny: Can I get some?


Jax: The door-

Athena: OMG!! JAX?!

Jax: What up, You alright?

Athena: Yea I'm good....

Ash: Who the FUCK is this?

Athena: He's a friend baby

I could tell Ash wasn't happy about Jax being here but i didn't really care. Me, Kenny and Jax all practically grew up together.

Ash: Whatever.

Athena: Sooo, How have things been J?

Jax: Oh dude shits been so good. I been fuckin lots of bitches.

Athena: I wish i hadn't asked. Kenny where the hell did you find him

Kenny: A smoke shop

Athena: Why the fuck-

Jax: This girl i was with vaped and i didn't know and we took her car

Kenny: And i needed some cigars

Athena: Im not even going to ask why you need cigars

Kenny: Good idea


Rose practically screamed running into the room shoving Jax into the ground 

Jax: You fucking bitch! What the fuck!?

Athena: Ooh shit

Kenny: Popcorn?

He said holding out a tub of popcorn

Athena: Yes i would

I said taking some from the tub. Ash also took some and we began to watch Hell unfold.

Rose: What the fuck did you say to me?

Rose said stopping dead in her tracks and turning around to look at Jax

Jax: You heard what i fucking said

Jax said getting off the ground 

Rose: Well then! Why don't you FUCKING REPEAT IT

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