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Rose ran out of the bathroom, I then turn around and see Ash

Ash: I thought we said we wouldn't speak about this

Athena: Sorry..

Ash: Up against the wall. Now

Athena: What

Ash: Against the wall, NOW

Athena: Yes Master

I rush over to the wall and put my back to it as he ordered. The look he was giving me told me I was in for it

As he began stalking towards me he began unbuckling his belt

Ash: You had better stay quiet baby girl

Athena: Yes master

Ash got closer to me

Ash: Strip. Now.

I do as he says 

Athena: Can you unzip me?

Ash: Yes

He unzips the dress and I turn back around so I'm facing him. Slowly I let the dress fall off of me and I take off my heels.  After the dress falls of my body, Im left in a black, lacey, bra and panties to match I reach to take off my bra but he stops me

Ash: Ah-ah, Leave that and the panties for me

Athena: Yes master

Ash: Good girl~

I step out of my heels and he gets closer to me. He begins to give me a kiss. But this one wasn't like the others. This one was rough and intense. Then he breaks the kiss and moves to my neck. He begins biting, and sucking on my neck. It feel so good, I feel sparks shooting through my body and I'm trying so hard to keep quiet

His hands move to my hips and slowly begin moving up my body. His hands keep moving up my body until they reach my tits. He then moves his hands to my back and unclips my bra. The bra drops to the floor and he begins sucking on my nipples.

Athena: Mmmmmm~~~~~

Ash: shhhh baby girl

Ash moves to the other nipple. i can feel between my legs getting wet. Ash pulls away and looks at me

Ash: On your knees

I do as he says

Ash: Close your eyes

I close my eyes. I hear what sounds like clothes hitting the floor. Then I hear Ash step closer

Ash: Open wide baby

I open, Then I feel something go down my throat and immediately I know he's making me suck his cock. I open my eyes and begin moving my head back and forth, Deep throating him

Ash: Baby stop I'm gonna cum!!

I don't stop, I don't let him pull of my mouth. I begin to go faster. A few moments later, His cum shoots down my throat and I swallow every drop. He then forces himself out of my throat

Ash: You wanna play that way huh? Stand up

I do as he says and he drags me over to the counter. 

Ash: Bend your ass over

 I bend over the counter like he says. He then rips my panties off of me and begins slapping my ass. I throw my hand over my mouth to stay quiet. Suddenly he stops

Ash: You wanna be a bad girl, Ill treat you like one

Ash then slams into me and immediately hits my G-Spot, I feel my eyes roll into the back of my head and I take my hand off my mouth and grip the counter with both hands. I feel my legs getting weak and a knot forming in my stomach and I know I'm close

Athena: A..Ash

Ash: Quiet

Athena: I..Im close

Ash: Dont cum till I say you can

Ash then slams into me harder, He then grips my hair to force my head back and tears start streaming down my face

Ash: Your so fucking tight baby

 I cant take it anymore, I squirt all over the floor and his dick. I feel Ash hit my ass again and then pull out of me

Ash: Get dressed and clean this up. We're not done. You'll be punished later

Athena: Y..yes Mas...master

I put my panties and bra back on and stumble over to my dress. Ash puts on his pants and leaves. Just as I Finnish zipping my dress up to my waist and fall against the wall, Rose walks in

Rose: Woah, What happend to you

Athena: Ash is what happend

Rose: Do I even want to know

Athena: Nope. Help me fix this?

Rose: Yea

We Finnish fixing my hair and make up and my dress and we walk out of the bathroom. We walk over to Ash and Ace and I stand next to Ash. A waiter brought me and Rose some wine. Half way through my glass Ash leaned over 

Ash: lets go

He whispered

I nodded my head and followed him out. We got into the elevator and rode down in silence. We got to the car and drove home. Once we got home I rushed into my room, Shut the door, and locked it. I changed and got in bed. I began to cry and decided that everything was all fake. I don't remember anything after that

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