Chapter 33

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Chapter Thirty-Three
The knock

**All Addison did was cry, she cried almost all night to the point where she made her self sick

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All Addison did was cry, she cried almost all night to the point where she made her self sick. She couldn't believe they were broken up, all because Tim couldn't accept her being a detective.

Tim on the other hand was angry he was angry at himself, and the hole in the wall perfectly described how angry he was. He debated with himself the whole night if he should go to her house and apologize but, he never did. Maybe the time apart is what they needed.

When it was morning time Addy had woken up exhausted. Her face felt swollen from crying, and her anxiety still lingered. Addy leaned up in bed and immediately bolted to the toilet when she felt a wave of nausea. As she threw up she couldn't help but start crying. She made her self so sick last night from crying, that it made her physically sick. She felt ill.

Addy groaned and looked into the mirror she had bags underneath her eyes, and her eyes were puffy. She sighs "Guess I have to wear makeup today" she says before picking up her makeup brush.

It felt weird being dressed in regular clothes. Addy was always used to her pressed patrol uniform. Today she was dressed in something business-casual. She walked into the station her Detective badge clipped to her waist band, and her gun hidden. It was a good but weird feeling. At least her first day as a detective was the only positive, of what she was going through.

Addy walks up to her new desk and sees a folder on it. It contained information regarding a severed hand washing up on the beach. She sighs when she sees who was on patrol when they found it. It was Tim, and Lucy.

Addy looks around before she spots Tim talking to Ashley with a smug smile on his face. Addy rolled her eyes, she could feel her chest tighten.

Tim had felt someone staring at him as he turned his head to the side. He sees Addy dressed in regular clothes. She looked great he thought to himself. He noticed her hair was down, she never wore her hair down at work. She looked beautiful, and that's how he knew he messed up badly.

He sighs and turns back to Ashley "I'm sorry Ashley, I don't want to go with you to this dinner thing" he says to her.

He walks away not bothering to see her facial expression. Addy walks up to him to ask him questions regarding the hand on the beach.

She clears her throat "I see you're moving on already Officer Bradford" she says to him. Tim rolls his eyes "This is stupid Addison and you know it" he tells her.

Addy shrugs and hands him the folder "So, you and Chen found a severed hand? " she asks changing the subject. He nods his head and gives her information that was given to him by Ashely.

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