Chapter 3 - edited

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At first I see nothing but dark. Then I remember to open my eyes and scold myself. As I peel my eyes open under the water, I see all of the creatures that humans would call fish. All in different colors and shapes. Some gold with two tails and some green with horns. And the one that is different from all, the one that is all black with silver streaks. I claimed it as my fish because it looks like my wings. I named it Lightening, for the obvious reason that it looks like lightening strikes. He swims up to my leg, and I pet his side with one finger, like me he is small.

        When I can't hold my breath any longer I kick my way to the surface. When I break the top I allow myself to just breath in the fresh air before wiping the water out of my face. When all the water is gone and loose hair that came out of the braid is pushed back I look around to find Ransom. Only he's not to be seen.

        "Ransom?" I call out, thinking he was hiding behind the tree line. No reply. "Ransom, I swear to Satan, if you jump out of a tree, I will kick your ass." Still no reply.

        I decide to go look for him. I pull myself out of the water and wrap my wings around me to keep myself warm. Despite what people may think, Hell is not always hot. We have seasons like the human world. Right now it's in between summer and fall, so the nights are cold and the days are hot. 

        Just when I'm about to call out his name again, I feel a well muscled arm wrap around my waist. I try to scream out but my attackers hand covers my mouth. When I'm about to kick where the sun doesn't shine, I feel a warm face nuzzle my neck.

        "You can beat me up all you want, but you'll just be down a guard and best friend." Ransom's deep voice sends shivers down my spine and through my wings. As he continues to nuzzle the sensitive part of my neck, I thank Satan for the dark so that he can't see the blush covering my face and whole body.

        When he finally loosens his grip on me, I twist out of his grasp to face him. Only not expecting what I see. I see Ransom, but he is without a shirt. I can't help but stare at the well sculpted muscles. He doesn't have a tan line, he is the same sun kissed color all over. All perfect with no blemishes. All male and all powerful.

        "See something you like princess?" Ransom grins at me with a mischievous gleam in his eye.

        I can't help but choke on my own tongue. The old Ransom I saw was not as well defined as this one. Sure he still had muscles but they weren't as prominent.

        "Where did your shirt go?" I ask like the idiot I am. Then mentally slap myself because of how breathless I sound.

        The grin only gets deeper as he steps closer to me, I retreat with each step he takes. "I couldn't let you have all the fun, now could I?"

        I gasp when I feel my back brush against the tree behind me, my wings stopping me from fully making contact. Only he doesn't stop his stride. He keeps walking until he is only two inches away from me. I think his head is leaning closer to mine. But it has to be my imagination. He wouldn't kiss me would he? No it was forbid, he's not allowed to kiss me even if I ask him to. 

        Just when I think he's actually going to kiss me, he pulls his head back slightly, and whispers in my ear darkly, "Are you just going to stare at me, or are we going to go swimming?"

**chapter three: edited on June 10, 2016**

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