Chapter 58

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**Liviana's POV**

1 1/2 months later

The past month and half have been extremely hectic. Well. For Ransom, anyway. No one will let me do anything until the twins are born. I'm not allowed to walk down the stairs alone. I'm not allowed to lift anything heavy. I'm not even allowed to cook anything. That doesn't mean I listen though. Currently I am walking down the steps with three books, on my way to the kitchen to make a snack. No one else is home because I sent the guys to the grocery store since they wont let me do the shopping anymore.

"Liviana, you better be resting." Ransom says in our mind-link and I gasp in shock.

"Can you relax. I'm in the nursery." I say back, and cringe for lying to him. But he has become extremely overprotective since I woke up and I like to be able to do things on my own once in awhile.

"I know you are lying, Liv. But I'll let it slide cause we'll be home in a little while." He tells me and I smile to myself at the thought that he will be back soon. I finally make it to the kitchen and place my books on the table. The usual two minute walk down the steps now takes me about ten minutes by myself due to the extreme roundness of my belly. I can't see my toes and have a waddle in my walk. I can't wait until the twins are born because the further along in my pregnancy I get, the more uncomfortable it is to carry them. And since there are two of them, my stomach is twice as big. One twin in presses against my ribs while the other is pressed against my bladder. When they kick, it either winds me for makes me have to pee. I don't know which one I'd prefer over the other.

Don't get me wrong, I love my twins and I would never regret being pregnant with them, but it is so uncomfortable and draining. I'm either tired, hungry, extremely emotional, or all of the above. Rosalinda told me that I am one angry meltdown away from an early labor. That got me to keep my temper in check, most of the time. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and go over to the cabinet that has the cups in them. Only I still can't reach the shelf they are on. We really need to move them lower so I can reach them. I try to jump to get a cup, but because of the heavy weight that I now have to carry around, I can't jump.

"Oh my Satan. What the hell do I have to do to get a glass of orange juice?" I ask myself as I throw myself down into a chair. Well, sitting myself in the chair.

"Why not ask your loving husband?" A deep voice says behind me as hands start to rub my shoulders. I look up to see Ransom smiling down at me and I can't help but to smile back.

"Hey, how was the shopping?" I ask as I take one of his hands in mine. Ransom rolls his eyes before moving over to the cabinet to grab a glass and goes to fill it with my juice. "That bad, huh?" I ask with a smirk.

"Christian is like a frigging child in a store." Ransom says with a growl.

"Speaking of which, where are Christian and Christopher?" I ask as I take a drink of the juice he gave me.

"I made them grab the bags so that I could come and help you." He tells me as he sits down on the chair next to me and pulls me onto his lap. I try to move off of him, but he wraps his arms around my waist, successfully keeping me pinned to him. "Why are you trying to get away from me?" He asks as he kisses my neck, making me shiver.

"Ransom, I'm too big to be sitting on your lap." I tell him and he glares at me.

"You are not too big and you never will be. Will you please stop saying that?" He asks with a growl. I scowl at him.

"Don't you dare growl at me." I tell him. My temper rising for no real reason. Lucifer told me this is what happens when a demon woman is pregnant. Her hormones are out of control. Mainly her anger. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "I am really trying to control my temper so please. Don't growl again." I tell Ransom and he sighs before rubbing my back.

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