Chapter 57

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**Ransom's POV**

Six months later

"I think the cribs should go on opposite walls and then we could have two rocking chairs by the windows so Liv and I can rock both of the boys at the same time." I tell Christian and Christopher who nod in agreement.

"How do you know it's going to be twin boys?" Diamond asks from the doorway where she stands with the other girls, watching our progress with the nursery.

"I have a feeling it'll be both boys. And Liv's vision showed us having two boys and a girl." I tell her and she smiles at me.

"I better be the God mother of one of them." Alicia says and I just stare at her.

"Seriously?" I ask and she furrows her eyebrows at me as if she doesn't understand me. I roll my eyes at her. "We live in Hell. Liviana is going to be the Queen of the Underworld. Do you really think we have God parents?" I ask her and I watch as realization fills her face.

"Then I better be a Devil mother or what ever you would call it." Alicia responds, waving her hand as if to say it's already settled. I just shake my head at her and turn back to help the guys.

"So, how is she doing? And the twins?" Avangolina asks, she still feels slightly guilty for Liv's coma-like state.

"She's been moving a bit. Like her hands or her eyes. The twins have started kicking and responding whenever I touch her stomach. You all can go and see her if you want. Just let me know if Liviana moves or anything. I want to be there when she wakes up." I tell them and they all nod at me before leaving the room. Liv's room is right down the hall so I extend my hearing and hear Liv's even breaths. I relax myself and focus on the nursery. The twins will be here in less than two months. It's already April and the twins are due in June. I've tried to put off having to set the nursery up until Liviana woke up, but Rosalinda convinced me to do it now and then if Liv wanted to change anything later, we could. Rosalinda and Katarina have tried to get me to start planning Liviana's cesarean for if she is still comatose when the twins are due but that is something I refuse to believe. She will wake up. She has to.

"Hey, Ransom. Get your lazy ass over here and move some of this shit. They are your children." Christian says and I glare at him which just makes him laugh. "Come on, man. You were starting to look depressed. Come and help us so we can finish this thing and you can get back to your girl." He says and I nod in agreement. I walk over to them and we push one of the cribs against the left wall and the other against the right. The guys and I painted the room a pale yellow to give off the feeling of peace and happiness. Something that Christopher would help the twins stay calm and cheerful and would off set their demonic side.

"I think that is enough for today. We have the necessities already set up so you and Liv just have to fill everything up and make it feel more personal." Christopher says and I go to thank them for all their help but we are interrupted by Avangolina crashing through the door.

"Ransom! Come quick! It's Liv." She gasps out before running back down the hall. I quickly follow after her and throw open the door to see Liv's body shaking. She was standing by the window with only her side profile visible to me. She wasn't fully stable on her feet, rocking back and forth from not walking for so long.

"Where is he?! I want Ransom! What is going on?!" Liviana was completely freaking out. She had tears running from her eyes and her body was shaking as Alicia and Diamond tried to calm her. Alicia was behind her, in case she were to fall and Diamond was on her side.

"Liv, please breath! He's coming just calm down! Please!" Diamond says, trying to wrap her arms around Liv's shoulders but Liv just shakes even more. It breaks my heart to see her like this. I move farther into the room and the girls sigh in relief, moving away from Liv, who finally notices me. Her face relaxes and she tries to make her way to me, only to falter on her weak legs. I rush to her, catching her just before she reaches the floor. I cradle her to my chest and she burrows her face into my chest and cries, soaking my shirt but I don't care.

"Ransom, what happened to me? I don't remember anything? Please, help me." Liv says in between sobs and my chest constricts with pain. Her voice sounded so scratchy and lost.

"Liv, I'm going to lift you up and put you on the bed, okay?" I ask her and she whimpers before nodding. I slowly pick us both off of the ground, even though she is seven months along, she is still easy to pick up. "Liv, take deep breaths. I need you to calm down before I tell you anything." Liv looks up at me with her tear streamed face and red eyes. Even now, she is still beautiful. Her hair was in a tangled mess as if she had been pulling it, something she used to do when we were little. Her hands drop from around my neck and she starts to rub her swollen belly, almost unconsciously. Liv doesn't look away from my eyes as she takes multiple deep breaths. Once I am satisfied she is calm and wont freak out again, I rub her back and begin talking.

"What do you remember from that night with Abel?" I ask her cautiously, the same way Alicia did when I first woke up too.

"There was so much pain in my stomach. Avangolina said something about healing me and the baby. Babies, twins. And then everything is dark after that." Liviana tells me in a raspy whisper, her voice weak still. I ask one of the girls to get her a glass of water before I start to explain everything.

"After Abel stabbed me with the iron knife, you felt the affects because of our bond. And the twins felt it too. Since the twins are so small, they weren't strong enough to fight the iron by themselves so it was almost killing all three of you. Avangolina was able to heal you and the babies but it caused you to slip into a coma so that you could heal your mind. It's been six months." I try to keep my voice even, as to not set her off again. Liv takes a deep breathe and buries her face in my neck again. I feel her tears start to flow again but she doesn't make a sound. Diamond comes back into the room with a glass of water and hands it to me. I nod my head at her in thanks as the girls all leave the room. I try to coax Liv to take a drink and she silently obeys. When she is done drinking, I place the glass on the night stand and move Liv so that she is seated against the head of the bed with pillows behind her.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her, brushing her hair behind her ears.

"I don't know. I'm tired, scared, in shock. I don't know what to think right now." I can tell she's confused about what has been happening while she's been out but I don't know how to help her. Before I can even respond to her, she looks down at the clothes she is wearing. "What the hell am I wearing?" She practically yells at me. I can't help but laugh.

"While you were asleep, I had to make sure you were clean so I had to change you. I wanted you to be comfortable but your clothes didn't really fit much so I had the girls buy some cotton night gowns for you." The one I dressed her in today was a stark white one with pink flowers all over. I figured this would be how she would react if she had woken up today. Liviana hates pink.

"Dammit, Ransom. If I wasn't so tired right now I'd probably hit you with a pillow." She tells me as she rolls her eyes.

"How are you tired? You were asleep for six months." I ask with a grin and she returns it with a glare.

"It's probably because of your demon spawn growing inside my stomach." Liv says with a yawn.

"Princess, they gt the demon side from you. Not me." I reply with a laugh. "Why don't we go downstairs and get something to eat before you go back to sleep. How does that sound?" I ask and just then her stomach growls, making us both laugh.

"Can you help me get up?" She asks. "I almost fell the first time I tried standing up." Liv mumbles, making me laugh.

"Yeah, it may take you awhile to get used to the round stomach." I said, trying to joke around with her.

"Did you just call me fat?" Liv snaps and I feel my smile drop.

Well shit. This is what it's like with a pregnant wife.

I am so screwed already.

**So here is the next chapter. Hope y'all liked it. Let me know what you think should happen or what you want to happen. Remember to like, comment, nd share with your friends!! Thanks nd enjoy!!**

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