Chapter 28 - edited

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**Liviana's POV**

        It's dark, I can barely see my hands two feet in front of me. Something is chasing me. I don't know what or why. But I know it wants to hurt me. I don't know where I am. I'm not in my house or in Hell. I'm not in my pajamas anymore, instead I'm in a ball gown. All gray and tulle, weighing me down. I run, knowing the thing is behind me and moving fast. I keep running, needing to get away.

        "Ransom!" I call out. He can help me, but where is he? "Ransom!" I scream.

        "Liviana! Where are you?" He yells back. I can hear his voice but I can't tell where he is.

        "Ransom! I can't find you!" I scream, still running.

        "Liviana! Come back to me! Where are you?" Ransom yells again.

        "I don't know! Ransom, please help! It's chasing me!" I yell, almost in tears with fright.

        "Keep running! I'll find you!" I hear him call, but his voice is getting fainter, farther away.

        "No! Ransom! You're moving away! Where are you going?" I scream. The thing is getting closer, almost running on my heels. I try to turn to shake it off my tail, but I trip on the hem of the dress. I fall so hard that my jaw cracks from hitting the ground so hard. The thing claws at my arm, cutting open my shoulder, slicing through the fabric covering it as if it was nothing more than tissue paper. I scream in pain. I can feel the blood pouring out of the gash, staining the gown. But I don't care. I try to get up to get away. I stumble to my feet and try to run, but I don't make it far before the thing knocks me down again. This time slashing at my back, cutting me from my left shoulder, down to my mid back. This pain worse than when I got my wings. The thing lays on my back, pushing the air out of my lungs and causing the wound to burn. It moves it's head beside me and I freeze, not wanting to touch it more than I had to. This thing is anything but human, but it speaks to me in a human voice.

        "We're coming for you Liviana King. And nothing will stop us. We will burn down all of the human world until we find you. We will turn the earth into nothing more than a pile of ashes and bones before we give up." It hisses into my ear in a harsh voice. "You and your little friends will all be dead. Your hound will not be able to save you. Everyone will bow down to Abel and you can't stop him. Nothing can stop him." I feel myself shaking and being turned onto my back. I cry out in pain but someone shakes me harder.

        "Liv, wake up. You're scaring me." I hear someone say. "Liv, wake up please." I don't know who it is but their voice is worried but still gentle. They shake me harder and I finally give in and listen to the voice. I see a hand reaching out to me and I grab it with my good arm, allowing it to pull me away from the darkness. I'm enveloped into someone's arms and I relax into them, feeling safe and protected.

        I try to jump up to sit up but I don't get far before Ransom's arms stop me. I'm still shaking and I have tears streaming down my face.

        "It's okay, it's not real. You're safe. I've got you." He says softly, rubbing my arms gently. He rubs my shoulder where the beast cut me and I feel a sharp pain shoot down my arms. I cry out and jump out of his arms. He grabs me around the waist and looks at my arm. Even though it was just a dream, I still have the gash where the beast cut me. "We have to get you to a hospital." He says, running to my bathroom and grabbing a towel to wrap around my arm and then picks me up, carrying me out of the room. His hand grazes my back and the cut there stings too, making me yelp. "Shit. Another one?" He asks, not stopping his fast pace, but moving his arm under the wound. I nod and tuck my head into his neck, wanting the pain to end. Ransom bangs on Christian's door and he answers right away. Taking one look at me and grabbing his jacket and keys. Just as we are about to head out the door, my grandmother and mother appear.

        "We can't take her to a human hospital. They'll ask questions and Abel might have connections there." My grandmother says looking at me sadly.

        "Well, would rather us let her bleed to death?" Ransom asks with anger and his grip on me tightens. I wince a little and he loosens his grip on me.

        "No, but there is a process that can heal her." I hear my mother say softly.

        "No. You don't mean the process, do you?" Christian asks in a choked voice. I feel Ransom look around at the people around us.

        "What process?" He asks. I feel myself getting even more light headed from blood loss. "Never mind, it doesn't matter. She won't last much longer. What is it?" He asks after looking at me. My grandmother and mother exchange a look and my grandmother walks towards us.

        "Go lay her on the table, put a blanket beneath her to make it softer. The process is painful but it will help her. But you both have to agree to it for it to work." She says sadly, with a bit of fear in her eyes. Christian gets the blanket and lays it out then Ransom lays me as gently as he can onto the table. I barely feel it as my wound touches the table, my body getting even more numb as I fade away.

        "What do we need to do." Ransom asks with tears in his eyes. I know he can feel my pain and it hurts him to know he can't really do anything.

        "We have to strengthen your bond to her. It'll be basically like a marriage bond but without the wedding." My mother says as she moves the hair that fell out of the bun out of my face.

        "Marriage?" I ask, my voice so faint, that I don't think anyone heard me. But my mother nods her head and strokes my cheek.

        "Yes, love. I'm sorry, but there's no other way." She says and I notice she has tears in her eyes. I nod my head, knowing she's right. I wanted to marry Ransom, but I didn't think it would be so soon. Or under these circumstances.

        "Do you want to do this?" Ransom asks in my mind.

        "Only if you do." I say back. Even though I can feel my life slipping away, our mind connection is still as strong as it always is.

        "Alright, then let's do it." Ransom says to everyone and my grandmother nods her head and my mother bows her head and backs away slightly. Christian takes a deep breath and stands by my feet.

        "Liviana, this will hurt, but the pain will fade. Ransom, it will hurt you too, but you can't stop the process, it will hurt her even more if you stop." My grandmother says to us, both of us nodding, but my head barely moving. "Ransom, you have to give her some of your blood, then take some of her's." He nods his head and bites into his wrist, tearing the skin and making himself bleed. He presses his wrist to my mouth and my mouth fastens over the cut reflexively. My lips pulling blood from his cut and swallowing it. I take about three pulls before I start to choke. The hot liquid burning my throat. I try to close my mouth so that I don't take anymore, but I see my grandmother shake her head. "You need more or you won't survive." She says and I nod my head. I take more from Ransom but then my body starts to convulse. Moving uncontrollably. Christian holds my legs down so that I don't kick anyone, my grandmother holds down my left side and my mother holds down my shoulders. Ransom presses his wrist to my mouth and I see tears streaming down his face. He kisses my forehead and I stop moving, my body calming down as it gets used to the hellhound blood.

        "Alright, now Ransom, bite her wrist and take some of her's. Only a little or else you'll take the last of her strength." I hear my mother say. Their voices sound farther away, as if muffled by something. I feel Ransom lift my wrist and kiss it before he bites down, tearing a cut identical to his on my wrist. I scream as I feel the bite and him pull blood from it. He only takes a little before detaching from my wrist and he sits back on a chair. His body convulsing like mine had. But I can't help him or comfort him. I drift off into darkness just as Ransom collapses to the ground.

Edited on June 11, 2016

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