Chapter 52

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**Liviana's POV**

"Able is outside right now with my mother and he is here for me. My mother told me to get you cause he said something about cleansing his family's blood line and having a family discussion. Ransom I'm scared." I tell him in one breath as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him.

"Liv, I need you to listen to me closely. I need you to go get dressed and lock yourself in the closet. Do not come out no matter what you hear. Call Christian and Christopher and tell them to get over here and tell them what is going on. I will not let him hurt you. Now go."He tells me and I nod with tears in my eyes as he pulls his pants back on and walks me to the closet. I quickly give him a kiss on the lips before turning away from him and doing as he says. I lock the door and hear a loud rumbling from outside of the closet door. I nearly cry when I realize that Ransom pushed something heavy in front of the door, effectively barricading me in he closet without a way to get out. I run to the door and slam my fists against it.

"Dammit, Ransom. I swear to Satan that if you don't come back here and move this shit I will kill you." I yell through the door but I don't get a reply. I feel heat radiating through the door and I know it is Ransom's hands, almost touching me through the door.

"I love you, Liv. Always remember that." He mumbles to me before pulling away and I hear his heavy foot steps make their way towards the door.

"Ransom, if you die I will kill you again in hell." I tell him through our mind-link, but I don't get a reply. I slam my hands against the door again before grabbing the emergency cell phone that Ransom made me leave in the closet in case something like this happened. At the time I thought he was just being paranoid but now I realize it was a very smart idea. I quickly dial Christian's number and he answers on the second ring.

"What happened?" He asks me as soon as he picks up.

"Abel is here and Ransom locked me in the fucking closet so please get your ass over here and bring Christopher with you. Hurry up please." I tell him quickly and I hear him inhale sharply before replying.

"We'll be right there. Don't leave the closet." He warns me and I scoff at him.

"As if I had any choice, you ass hat. Ransom fucking locked me in here!" I yell into the phone as he hangs up on me. "That asshole, he just hung up on me." I talk to myself before looking around my closet for something to wear that I could move easily in, in case I needed to fight someone. I quickly pull on yoga pants, a loose t-shirt, and my steel-toe boots. They hurt like a bitch if kicked even slightly.

I try to wait for the guys to get here before starting to worry. From downstairs I here talking, mostly yelling, and a lot of curses. I can't wait any longer. I need to go see Ransom and help him. Just as I'm walking towards the closet door, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach as if I've been stabbed. I double over in pain as I try to catch my breath. I look underneath my shirt and see no wound or indication that I have any type of injury. Ransom. I think to myself as I pick myself back up and race to the door. I slam my fists against it again. I need to get to him. And fast. I hear a loud crash from the first floor and I can sense it is Christian and Christopher from their presence and auras radiating up to me. "Help him!" I try to yell in their minds but I'm not sure if I reach them. I focus on trying to get out of this room.

I back up, away from the door and envision what my room looks like and what is in front of my closet door. I swipe my hand as if to bat it away from the door and I hear it scrap against the floor. I feel a small glimmer of hope as I try again. This time it moves completely away from the door and the closet door flies open. I'm free! I think to myself as I run out of the closet and to my door. I press my ear against the door and extend my hearing to the first floor. I can hear my mother crying and the guys fighting Abel, but I hear nothing from Ransom. I slowly open my door and take a step into the hallway. I inch my way down the stairs, keeping my steps light and silent, the way Ransom told me when he was training me. I'm able to reach the bottom of the last flight of stairs before I make any noise. But this noise was involuntary because of the scene that was unfolding in front of me.

I see Abel swinging knives at Christian and Christopher. My mother on the ground next to someone weeping loudly. And next to my mother, Ransom is lying in a pool of blood with a knife sticking out of his stomach. I can't help the sound that I make.

I scream. Everyone stops. They all turn to look at me.

The guys stare at me in shock.

My mother looks at me with fear.

And Abel looks as if he just got the best present ever.

Oh my Satan. What the hell is going on?

**Yes, I know this is a short chapter but I'm trying to finish the book before Christmas and I think I'm going to do a few short chapters and then just publish those. I finally got over my writers block and have two chapters finished so I hope y'all enjoy!! Vote, comment, and share with your friends. Thanks for still reading!!**

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