Chapter 55

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**Liviana's POV**

"Three!" As soon as she says it, she yanks the blade out and Ransom roars in pain. I feel the pain in my stomach that I felt before but I ignore it and use all of my strength to keep him down as Alicia presses her wrist to his mouth. Ransom starts to freak out and tries to push her arm away from him. I push his shoulders back down and his eyes fly to mine. Ransom calms down a bit, so I use my right hand to rub his head, trying to sooth him.

"It's okay, Ransom. She is trying to help. Please, let us help." I whisper to him and his eyes soften as he nods and lays back down, still quivering from the pain. My heart aches as his eyes show how much pain he is in. I feel the pain too but on a lesser scale. My mother applies pressure to Ransom's abdomen, making him inhale sharply and try to jerk away, but I keep him in place and rub his head.

"You girls are doing great. The bleeding is slowing down. He should be okay in a few hours." My mother tells us and we nod back at her. Ransom continues to take blood from Alicia and has stopped withering so I move away to see my grandmother and father standing along the edge of the living room. No. Not my father. Lucifer. I think to myself as I give Ransom a quick kiss on the forehead before running over to them.

"How is he doing?" Rosalinda asks as I give her a hug.

"His body is accepting Alicia's blood and mom said he should be okay." I tell her and she smiles sadly at me.

"I'm guessing your other told you everything?" She asks me. I look at Lucifer and see him looking at us in confusion. I realize he does not know what we are talking about.

"Yes, she did." I reply to Rosalinda and look back at my mother. She is watching my father with a sad look in her eyes. Lucifer. Not my father.

"I will go see to my brother now and make sure he is still alive." Lucifer says as he walks to where Abel is still laying on the ground. Christian is holding him down as Christopher has a towel to where I stabbed him. I feel a sense of pride when I see how much pain Abel is in. But my pride is short lived as my thoughts are interrupted by my grandmother talking to me.

"How are you feeling?" She asks me with concern.

"Considering everything that has happened in the past hour or two, I'd say I'm holding together pretty well." I tell her and she smiles at me weakly. I look around the room at everyone around me. Avangolina, Diamond, and Damon are sitting on one of the couches, speaking in hushed voices with wide eyes. They are probably petrified right now. Christian, Christopher, and Lucifer are standing over a bleeding Abel. My mother, Alicia, and Ransom were sitting on the floor as Ransom took more blood from Alicia and my mother held the towel against him.

"What about the baby?" My grandmother asks me and I look at her with wide eyes.

"How did you know? Never mind, you know everything. I think he's fine. I've had a few pains but I think they're gone now." I tell her as I rub the hard bump on my stomach.

"As long as they have stopped, you should be fine. I haven't seen a bond like your's and Ransom's in my many years of life. You two are able to feel each other's pain so strongly, it's as if you are the one being harmed instead of him." Rosalinda tells me as she leads me over to the couch. "Lie down for a minute, I want to make sure there is no damage to the baby." She tells me as she presses me back against the cushions. I do as she says and she raises my shirt so my abdomen is exposed. I stare is shock as I see a black and blue bruise that is in a place identical to where Ransom was wounded.

"How is that even possible?" I ask my grandmother.

"I guess your bond is even stronger than you thought." She replies. I lay my head back and close my eyes. I feel waves of tiredness overcome me and all I want to do is sleep. I try to keep myself awake. My eyes fly open as my grandmother places her hands on my lower stomach. I look up to see her eyes closed and her lips pursed.

"What's wrong?" I ask her and she shakes her head at me. I start to feel panic rise through me as her eyebrows furrow together, in a face of confusion or shock.

"The baby's heart rate is really fast. I'm not sure if the baby just understands what is going on here or if..." She says, trailing off at the end.

"If?" I prompt her again, but the answer is cut off as I feel a sharp pain right where my grandmother had her hands. I cry out as another shock goes through me, making my back bow off of the couch from the pain.

"What happened?" My mother asks as she looks up from Ransom, who is now sleeping on the floor. If the pain isn't from him, then what is going on? I think to myself as another pain shoots through me.

"I'm not sure." My grandmother mumbles. The mumble to each other for awhile, just quiet enough that I can't hear.

"It's the iron." Christian says as he comes over to me.

"What? How?" My mother asks in confusion.

"If she's pregnant with a hellhound child, then that child is allergic to iron too. Since Liviana and Ransom have a bond, the child must have intercepted some of the affects of the iron." Christian explains and everyone's eyes go wide.

"What can we do for her? She does't have any hellhound relatives, so what do we do?" Christopher asks, while still next to Abel.

"I might be able to help." Avangolina says, coming to stand next to me. "I can partially heal her but there may be side affects." She tells them shyly.

"What are the possible side affects?" Christian asks worriedly.

"She could slip into a coma so her spirit can heal itself since I'd only be healing her body and the baby." Avangolina says as another pain shoots through me. I scream out, the pain getting worse than before. And this time, Ransom jumps and cries in pain too.

"Do it. It's affecting both of them now. Heal her." Lucifer tells her from next to Abel and she nods, coming over to me and placing her hands on my chest.

I feel tingles spread through me as sparks fly from her hands and to my body, traveling all over my skin. A sense of peace fills me. The pain in my stomach has stopped but my head feels lighter. I feel like I'm floating. I look down at my stomach and see that the bruises have faded.

"That's amazing." I hear someone say, but I can't tell who it is as the voices drift farther away.

"She's falling asleep now. Her body is healed. But I found something interesting." Avangolina says and I try to stay awake to hear her. "She's not having one baby. She's having twins." She tells everyone. I hear gasps as my body relaxes into the couch. Oh, twins. I think to myself.

Wait. What?


**So here is the next chapter. Hope y'all enjoy. So I deff wont be finished by Christmas but maybe the New Year? Imma try to finish this up while I'm on break from school. Let me know what y'all think of the progress and vote, comment, and share with your friends. Thankss!!!!**

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