Chapter 41 - edited

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**Liviana's POV**

   It takes Ransom half an hour to straighten my hair. He didn't burn me but got pretty close to my ear a few times. I got a picture of Ransom doing my hair. His brow was furrowed in concentration but looking amazing the whole time like always. He looks up at me in the mirror and winks at me as if he knew what I was thinking. After he was done with my hair we went downstairs to eat our breakfast with Christian. We ate in silence only occasionally talking about what we would do after school since the dance was tonight. Christian said for me and the girls to go get our hair and nails done then come back here to get dressed because he and Christopher had a surprise. I looked at Ransom to see if he knew but he seemed clueless. Christian and Christopher both have mischievous smiles throughout the day until lunch when I had enough of their grins and dumped a one of those small cartons of milk that the school gives out on both of their heads. They didn't get mad just laughed and got cleaned up in the guy's locker rooms.

   We got through the day without anymore demon interruptions. Since the dance was tonight, our teachers didn't give us any homework, knowing we most likely wouldn't do it. The girls and I decided to go to the hair and nail salon right after school to be ready since the dance started at seven. Diamond and Alicia both got their hair curled and Avangolina got her hair put into loose beach waves with a pouf on top and glitter hair spray. I didn't know what to get so I just let the hair stylist decide after she saw a picture of my dress. She wouldn't let me see until she was done with both my hair and makeup. I was used to Rosie not letting me see how she was doing my hair and makeup for big events in the kingdom so I was able to kept my eyes closed for the stylists without fidgeting too much. While I was waiting for the lady to finish and another girl did my nails, I decided to mind-link Ransom.

        "So, any idea what Christian and Christopher are planning yet?" I ask him. We've been trying to find out all day but the guys won't spill.

        "Not at all. But don't worry about it. I'm sure whatever it is it's harmless." He says back and I groan to myself. I hate surprises. "Just try to have fun with the girls and forget about them." Ransom says, but he knows I won't be able to stop thinking about it.

        "I can't promise anything. Just let me know if you find out anything." I tell him.

        "Yes, ma'am." He says and I laugh to myself as I relax into my chair.

        Ransom and I have been trying to plan our wedding for the past two weeks since my grandmother gave us the option to make our marriage official in front of other witnesses. So far, we have decided that we were going to do a handfasting ceremony. It's the traditional bonding of a witch and her husband to be. Before I found out I was part witch, my wedding would've just been a regular wedding like anyone else. My parents had a handfasting ceremony since my mother was a witch. My dad never showed me pictures of their actual ceremony, just of their reception so I just assumed they had a regular wedding. My mom told me all about their wedding. My mom had worn a gold gown and had her hair in a braided up-do. She hadn't worn any jewelry except for her engagement ring which was a silver band with a princess cut diamond and had the inscription of their names together. From the way my mom described it, their wedding had gone perfectly. That's what I wanted for my wedding. I want to be able to look back on it and imagine it just a perfect as it had been on that day. Ransom and I wanted to get married over winter break, but with the update on Abel and his plan to find me and get rid of me, I don't think we'll be able to have our wedding when we planned. We might have to put it on hold until everything calms down.

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