Chapter 19 - edited

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I dream of my home. Of my father and grandmother. It started with them sitting in the library, drinking tea and discussing something I couldn't hear. My father's face held a mixture of concern and anger. Rosalinda appeared to be trying to calm him.

"...worrying won't help anything. You should be concentrating more on getting rid of Abel. Liviana is a smart girl that can handle herself. Plus she has Ransom and Christian to keep her safe. And those girls that she met." Rosalinda says patting my father on the knee. Wait, how does she know about the girls? I ask myself.

"Yes, you're right." My father says looking down with sad eyes. "I just wish there was a way to tell her what's going to happen."

She looks at him with sadness and understanding in her eyes. "If we tell her what will happen, then it could ruin everything. She would be in even more danger. And I know you don't want that. It's better she not know so that she doesn't endanger herself or the..."

I never got to know what she was going to say because I was woken up by something fuzzy rubbing against my hand. I open my eyes slowly to see Ransom in wolf form kneeling by my bedside. I smiled at him and he rubbed his head on my hand, which I pet gently. He then jumps on me, causing the air to leave my lungs.

"Ransom, get off of me." I gasp out. My small frame crushed by his giant wolf body. But he doesn't get off, he just lays on top of me and nuzzles my neck. I push his head away from my face and try to push him off of me. I only succeed in winding myself even more. "Ransom! I can't breath!" I yell at him. He still doesn't move but he does change back into human form so now his full human body is laying on me, but he does lean on his elbow so that the entire weight of his body isn't crushing me. He looks down at me with a smirk.

"You know you love me being on top of you, Liv." He says with a dark glint in his eyes. I roll my eyes and lift my hands up to push him off of me but he catches my hands with one of his and pulls them over my head. "I think I like you in this position. You can't push me away or get away from me." He says, his voice husky and deeper. Before I can reply my door opens.

"Hey, is she up ye--- woah guys really? Come on." Christian says and closes the door just as fast as he came in. Ransom and I looked at each other and started laughing. We laughed so much that Ransom fell off of me and onto the floor, causing me to laugh even more.

"She's so gorgeous when she laughs." Ransom says in his mind.

"I heard that." I say back.

"Well then you heard the truth." He says to me. I can't help but blush.

"I still don't think this is normal." I say, mentally shrugging my shoulders.

"Did you just mentally shrug your shoulders?" He asks, laughing at me. When I don't reply he laughs even more.

"Shut up. Anyway, I was thinking we could as my grandmother about this, to see if there's a reason." I say, trying to change the subject.

He stops laughing a little, but not fully. "Okay, let's do that. We should also try it out on other people to see if it works on others or just us." I nod my head in agreement just as someone knocks on my door.

"Can I come in? Or are you two still on top of each other?" Christian calls out. I look at Ransom to see him duck his head. Is he blushing? I think to myself. I can't help but laugh at the thought of Ransom blushing.

"We're good. You can come in." I call out and Christian opens my door and walks in, but stops when he sees Ransom on the floor.

"Well, this is a major change in positions. Not good enough so she kicked you off the bed?" He asks with a smirk.

Ransom growls at him, but Christian just laughs it off and sits on the foot of my bed. Ransom gets off of the floor and sits on the opposite side of the bed and glares at Christian while Christian continues to smirk at him.

With Ransom still glaring, Christian turns to me. "You have a guest princess." He says.

I tilt my head at him, confused. "Who is it?" I ask.

"I believe she wants to see you before I tell you who she is." He says with a smirk. I look to Ransom but he just shrugs his shoulders and both guys leave my room. I groan and get off my bed. I look down at my outfit to see I'm still in the clothes I wore to school so I decide to change into a white v-neck t-shirt and pull my army boots back on and head to meet the mystery guest.

When I walk into the hall the guys are waiting for me and we all start to walk down to the main floor. Ransom looks at me with a small smile. "Try to see if you can talk to Christian." He says in my mind.

"Okay." I say back then turn to Christian as we're still walking and try to look into his mind. It takes awhile but I finally get it.

"....need to practice that video game more so that I can beat Alicia next time." I hear him think. I can't help but laugh and both guys turn to me like I'm crazy.

"Why are you laughing?" Christian asks.

"Nothing." I say with a grin on my face. And we continue walking. "I read his mind. He was thinking about beating Alicia in video games." I tell Ransom.

"Were you able to talk to him like we can." He asks.

"I don't know. I didn't try that." I say back then go back to Christian's mind. "Hey Christian!!" I scream in his mind, he doesn't even flinch. "Christian! Can you hear me?" Still no response. I turn back to Ransom. "I guess not." I say to him.

"Then we definitely need to find out why we can but not others." He says and I nod my head in agreement. We stop talking as we reach the living room and I see a familiar figure. My grandmother, but there's another woman next to her. I freeze in my place and just stare at the other woman.

"Hello Liviana." She says with a smile but I can't reply. "Well don't just stand there come give your mother a hug."

Edited on June 11, 2016

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