Chapter 7 - edited

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I walk around my room with my dress and heels on. My maids did my hair in a bun with a braid wrapped around my head and a few loose curls hanging out of the bun. The dress is all black with a golden rope wrapped around my waist in a criss-cross fashion, and my shoes are three inch gold heels. I had to study the traditional clothing of all cultures. This is the traditional clothing of a wiccan princess. I have no idea why they are making me wear this, I have never had to wear another cultures outfit for royalty. Who is this person? I keep asking myself. I asked my maids, but all they would tell me is that this person is very powerful, and nothing else.

I was interrupted in my thoughts by a knock in my door. "Come in." I call, think that it's one of the guards to escort me to the dining room. But it's not. It's my father. What is he doing here? He normally meets me in the dining room.

"Hi daddy." I say with a smile and go to give him a hug. I was a huge daddy's girl.

"Hello, Liviana. I see you got the new dress. You look gorgeous." He says in his deep and loving voice.

"Yes, its very pretty. Thank you. But I do have a question. Who is the person we are meeting?" I ask quickly. He always encourages me to learn more about our guest before they get here.

He smiles at me and says, "She has requested to tell you more about herself when she meets you. All I can say is that she is a very powerful witch and that she is excited to meet you." I stare into my dad's eyes, the twin to mine, and wonder once again who is this person that can even body my dad around.

"Okay, well, should we start heading down? I want to meet this mystery lady before these heels kill my feet." I say with a laugh, he laughs too.

My father escorts me out of the room and places my hand in two crook of his arm. I look at him through the corner of my eye and analyze his face. We look almost exactly alike except for our hair, lips, and I have freckles that he doesn't. My father has brown hair and his mouth his mostly in a frown, while I have blonde hair and my mouth naturally curves into a smile. I assume I got those trait from my mother. I don't really remember her, because she died when I was so young. All I remember are pale arms reaching out to pick me up out of my bed to hold me while I slept. I also remember her hazel eyes and her army boots, like mine, walking towards me whenever I fell.

I'm pulled out of the memories when I realize that we have stopped walking and are outside of the dining room. I'm shocked when I see a lady that looks like she is a queen and walks as if she owns the place. She has blonde hair as long as mine that is in a braid down her back. She is also is a wiccan dress, but her is blue instead of black and she has crown on her head. I see the moment she sense our presence, as she turn to us quickly and I can see her face. She has hazel eyes and freckles all over her now and under her eyes. She is very pale and has a smile that lights up her whole face. She looks like my mother, or how people have described her.

"Hello, Liviana. It's nice to finally meet you. I am Rosalinda, your grandmother." She speaks softly and with a huge smile.

Wait. I think to myself. If she's a witch, and she's my grandmother, then that means... She interrupts my thoughts, "Yes, Liviana. You are half witch. Your mother was a full witch like me, and your father is all demon."

Next thing I know I'm falling to the floor and all I see is black. The last thing I hear is my father mumbling, "Oh dear." Then everything I gone.

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