Chapter 33 - edited

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The guys come find me still staring at the door way that my grandmother just walked out of. Ransom tells Christian to go back in the kitchen and wait for us to come back. Ransom looks at me with worried eyes and holds my shoulders, trying to get me to look at him.

"What happened?" He asks me with a worried voice.

"I know who's kids they were from my vision." I say with a small smile.

"Who's?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Ours." I say and laugh a little. Ransom looks at me with wide eyes and looks shocked, then his face slowly turns into a smile that makes me laugh. He looks like a goofy kid in a candy shop.

"Our kids?" He asks and I laugh and nod. Before I can say anything else, he swings me into his arms and swings me around. I laugh and squeal as we spin faster and faster. He finally stops spinning me and puts me back on the ground. Once my toes touch the floor he smashes his lips to mine, kissing me hard. His one hand cups my face gently and the other wraps around my lower back, pulling me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself closer. We slowly break apart and he rests his head on mine, both of us breathing hard. He looks like he wants to say something, but the front door burst open and the girls all bound through the door and start talking at once.

"What's this I hear about you two being married?" Diamond says.

"When were y'all gonna tell us?" Avangolina screams.

"Did you two do the dirty?" Alicia says and wiggles her eyebrows at me. I feel my face blush bright red and her eyes widen at me. I laugh as she pulls me away to the living room and asks me a bunch of questions. "How was he? Was he good? Is he big? Was he rough? Never mind, he's a hellhound of course he was. Did you like it? Is he kinky?" She asks in one breath and I just shake my head at her.

"Good. Yes. Oh yes. A little. Maybe and maybe." I say and watch as she matches my answers to her questions. Once she does her eyes widen and she jumps up and down.

"You lucky girl. But let's get back to them before Ransom gets suspicious." She says as she drags me back into the doorway where the girls and Ransom still are. When we get back Ransom raises an eyebrow at me and I just shake my head as if to say I'll tell him later.

"So are you two gonna answer our questions?" Diamond says with a raised eyebrow.

"How did you guys even know?" Ransom asks.

"I told them." Christian says as he stands in the hallway that leads to the kitchen.

"Thanks, Christian." He says and rolls his eyes.

"Any time, your highness." Christian says with a bow and grins at us. I laugh and walk into the kitchen and they all follow after me.

"Do you guys want some brownies?" I ask as I get plates for the girls. They all sit down in chairs around the table as I give them each a brownie. They ask questions about what happened the night before and we all answered them to the best of our abilities. We told them about our bonding and what my mother and grandmother told us. After talking for while, we finally answered all of their questions and finished half of the brownies.

"Okay, one more question." Diamond says and I exhale a huge breath.

"How many more questions could you possibly have?" I ask in exasperation and she just laughs at me.

"My question is, when are you guys going to have your actual wedding?" She asks and the girls nod with her. I look at Ransom and he looks like he's holding back a laugh.

"Any ideas?" I ask him and he holds his hands up and shakes his head.

"Nope, the bride is supposed to plan the wedding. You just have to give me a tux and tell me when and where to show up." I roll my eyes at him and he laughs at me.

"I guess over winter break, so that we don't miss too much school." I say and shrug my shoulders.

"Wait, you're still going back to school?" Avangolina asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I ask with a laugh.

"I just thought that with everything going on it might be easier to stay at home." She says and shrugs.

"Nope, Liv wanted to go to school today even though she was still healing. She won't stop going until she graduates or is bedridden." Ransom says and grins at me.

"So why didn't you go today?" Alicia asks and Ransom looks at me and winks.

"I wouldn't let her leave." He says and I feel my face flush.

"Okay, well ew. Please get a room." Avangolina says and Ransom and I laugh.

"Any more questions?" I ask and they all shake their heads. "Thank Satan." I say and they all laugh at me. I put all of the dishes in the sink and run some water on them so that they would be easier to clean.

"Well, we should get going. We do have school tomorrow and you should get more rest. We'll see you tomorrow morning." Diamond says and Alicia and Avangolina both nod and stand to leave. I give them all a hug and walk them to the door. I wave good-bye as they all get into their cars. Just as they're about to leave the driveway, Alicia sticks her head out the window and screams to me.

"Nice shirt by the way! Try and wear something more appropriate tomorrow!" She screams and I blush remembering that I'm only in Ransom's shirt. I shake my head as I close the door and walk back to where the guys are.

"All I'm saying is that if I stayed on this floor then you guys would have more privacy." Christian was saying as I walked in.

"What are you guys talking about." I ask and I see Ransom's face blush before he ducks his head. Ransom blushing? This is going to be good. I think to myself.

"I was just telling Ransom about how I'm going to be staying on the first floor so that you two don't keep me up all night." Christian says and winks at me.

"Oh my Satan. Christian you better run before I hurt you." I tell him and he laughs.

"Okay, princess. I get it. It's a private topic. But I'm still moving down here. I was gonna do it anyway so might as well do it now." He says and shrugs his shoulders. My jaw drops and I just stare after him as he walks out of the room and down the hall that leads to some of the spare bedrooms just pass the living room.

"I cannot believe that just happened." I say to Ransom and he laughs.

"It's kinda true. You were kind of loud earlier." He says in my ears and I turn and smack him in the shoulder.

"Ransom!" I scream and he laughs at me. I go to hit him again but this time he catches my hand and stops laughing. He pushes me against the wall behind me and pins my arms above my head.

"You're in trouble now, princess." He growls in my ear and his eyes darken. I feel my body heat up from his closeness and my eyes flutter closed. He leans his head down to my neck and bites me softly. My eyes fly open when he bites harder and sucks on my sweet spot, just above my collarbone.

I was defiantly in trouble. But the best kind of trouble there is.

Edited on June 11, 2016

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