Chapter 21 - edited

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Ransom and I hug for about five more minutes, just holding each other. When we break apart everyone is watching us. My mother has a smile on her face and so does my grandmother. Christian has a smirk on his face as if to say 'I knew it all along.'

"Well, I think it's time for us to go." My mother says.

"You're leaving? But you just got here." I say trying to keep the sadness out of my voice.

"You'll see me again. Now that you're in the human world I can come visit you." She says with a small smile.

"Okay." I say going to give her a hug. She wraps me in her arms and hugs me tight.

"I'll miss you, Livvy. But remember, I'm always with you. I'll be back soon. I love you." She says in my ear.

"I love you too, mom. Come by anytime." I say and let go of her as she nods. Then I turn to my grandmother and give her a hug.

"I'll come see you again soon also. Be safe." She says.

"Thank you for everything. I'll be safe. I have those two looking out for me." I say nodding my head towards Ransom and Christian. She smiles at me.

"I know they will take good care of you. But there may be a time when you won't have them and you must be extremely careful." She says then looks me straight in the eye. "Other lives will be on your hands in the future. They will rely on you so you must take extreme precautions." I stare at her with wide eyes.

"Who's lives?" I ask.

"You will find out when the time is right. Just be careful." She says and I nod. "Goodbye, Liviana."

"Goodbye grandmother." I say and give her another hug.

I walk them to the door and let them out. I watch as they walk down the steps and disappear in thin air. I guess that's how they got here. I think to myself then go back inside.

"So what now?" I ask the boys as I walk back to the living room.

"Order take out or make something?" Christian asks.

"Let's do take out. Pizza or chinese?" Ransom asks looking at us.

"Chinese." Christian and I both say and Ransom laughs at us.

"Okay then chinese it is." He says and goes to the kitchen to get the chinese menu. "What does everyone want?" He asks as Christian and I follow after him with the coffee mugs and trays.

"Sweet and sour chicken with white rice. Oh and don't forget chopsticks." I say, putting the used coffee mugs into the dishwasher.

"Chicken lo mein for me." Christian says.

"What are you getting?" I ask Ransom.

"I'm getting the sweet and sour chicken also but with fried rice." He says while grabbing his phone and placing the order. "Okay, one of us just has to pick up the food in half an hour. Who wants to drive?" He asks.

"I'll drive!" I shout and they both laugh. "What's so funny?" I ask crossing my arms in front of my chest. I see Ransoms eyes dart down to my chest but they look away as quick as they came. I feel my face burn.

"No offence, Liv, but the truck is twice your size and you don't know how to ride a motorcycle." Christian says, still laughing.

"Fine. Then which one of you want to go?" I ask them.

"I'll go." Christian says.

"Great. I'll set the table. What drinks do you guys want?" I ask, heading towards the fridge.

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