Chapter 6 - edited

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**Picture of Ransom. Starring Alex Pettyfer.**

Ransom somehow made it the castle before me. I normally beat him. But it was a nice view as I landed right in front of him.

"You're getting slow, Liv. You need to work on your speed." He says with a smirk. He steps closer to me leaving only a few inches between us.

"I let you win. I figured I beat you once today so I didn't want to damage your ego anymore." I say back and he laughs.

He tucks a loose piece of hair behind my ear, his fingers gently grazing my cheek, sending shivers all through me.

"We should get you inside to get ready for dinner." He says but doesn't move away. He just stares at me.

"Okay" I say weakly. I clear my throat. "I have your birthday present in my room. Do you want it today or wait until tomorrow?" I ask, remembering the gift I have for him under my bed.

I got him a wristwatch that has our birthstone, the sapphire, on it. It also has a radio connecting it to other watches if he needed to call anyone. He said he wanted one a couple of weeks ago so I got it for him. I also go myself one so that we could match and I could call him if I needed help.

"You can give it to me after dinner. I want to give you yours too so that it's the first present you get." He says with a small smile on his face.

"Okay, well I should go get ready." I say and step around him, only to have him pick me up and toss me over his shoulder. No this again. "Ransom you better put me down right now."

He laughs. "What will you do if I don't?"

"I won't give you your present." I say and poke his back.

"Then I won't give you yours." He says simply.

"Fine, I won't talk to you for a whole week." I threaten, but I feel him laugh.

"You can't go a day without me, and you know it, princess." I know he's grinning, and I scowl at his back.

"You're so arrogant. Just put me down you jerk." I say to his back.

"I don't think so, princess." He says back and laughs, then I hear another male voice laughing at us.

"Well Ransom, is this how you get your dates? Carrying them against their will?" The voice says. Its Christian, another hellhound, that has been a guard for the past five years. He has blonde hair with brown eyes and he is very tall.

Ransom swings me down to my feet and helps me stand. "At least I get dates, Christian." He says with a smile.

"Hey, I get dates too." Christian says putting his hands up in front of himself.

"Your sister doesn't count, Christian." Ransom retorts. Its funny watching them bicker like five year olds, but it gets old really fast.

"Okay children let's stop this. I'm sure you both get a lot of dates. But I have to get going. Bye guys." I say to both of them but Christian stops me.

"Oh yeah, I meant to tell you. You and your father are having a guest over for dinner, so you have to wear the dress that is in your room. It's the traditional clothing of their culture. Your father wants you there ten minutes early to meet them." He speaks hurriedly and then he turns to walk away. "Have fun." He says with a smile.

"Wait, who's the guest?" I call after him. But he's too far to hear me. I turn to Ransom.

"Do you know who it is?" I ask. He just shakes his head and we continue the walk to my room. When we get there Ransom opens my door and we both look inside. We see my maids all surrounding the dress I have to wear. It's the dresses that witches wear.

"Oh crap, I have to meet a witch." I say mostly to myself. I hear Ransom laugh and I turn to him.

"It's not funny. For some reason witches don't seem to like me." I snap at him.

"You're going to be fine, Liv. And everyone loves you. Witches are just mean to everyone." He says softly, as of to calm me.

"Fine, but if I come back tonight and have a curse on me, remember I warned you." I say and rush into my room to get ready.

"Good luck, princess." Ransom says as I shut my door.

This dinner is not going to be fun. I think to myself as my maids surround me to get me dressed and my hair done.

Edited on June 11, 2016

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