Queen POV Chapter 19

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I sat in the car outside the prisons gates, waiting for the bell to ring and Andrew to walk out.

When the buzzer sounded i looked upand watched both gates open and two inside gates open.

A guard came out first and Andrew right behind him.

I watched as the gaurd gave Drew a dap, they exchanged a few words before Drew continued his walk wwhile the gaurd waited for him to finish his walk out the gates before signaling tha gates closed.

I wasn't smiling when i got in the car and he didnt bother pursuing me with a kiss,but damn i missed him and i wanted that kiss but I refused to give in. "Where you going?" he sat back realizing the kids werent in the car. " i thought i told you to bring my kids!" he frowned at me

"I thought i told you.... Hell no" rolling my eyes i started the car. "I'm not bring my kids around this, you need to clean up... Now , where you going"

"Home & clean up i got things i got to do tonight, where you coming from?"

"Just got off the plane from work, the kids are at your moms because they cousin down here, they wanted to spend time with them" turning on to our street i added "and what kind of things you got to do "

"Rico" was all he said, i bit down on my lip

"He the muthafucka who got you shot?"

"Sent some of his man to kill me, inside job type shit, but we got one alive and we going to the fish house where my man got him.."who the fuck is a we"

"Me & Pook"

I stayed quiet and looked at him, his stress vein was bulging above his left eye brow on his temple. He was stressing hard as hell, and of course as much as i didn't want too... I cared

My eyes were heavy and it was dark when i got home. I felt sweaty and my body was tiered. I missed home so much, "you hungry?"

"You trynna kill me?" he said giving me an eye

"Is you hungry or not Andrew" i asked again, my willingness to cook slowly demensioning

"You know a nigga hungry" i nodded "so how was the trip, i know you don't like planes"

"Busy surprisingly, he got full schedules but it was fun, it's a lot of leeway given when he in a meeting or something i got to go threw the town with the kids & shanty too"

"He, huh?"

"Fuck Drew! Was that all you heard?" i fussed parking into my driveway. Chill the fuck out with that shit. You dont take them with you so don't be mad when i take them with me out of state to handle business.

I was glad when i pulled out the key and started to open the door. Until Andrew pulled my back in softly, i thought he was going to try in kiss me but instead he pointed to the house. A couple lights were on ... " you leave lights on when you left"

"No" i bit my lip

He pulled out his gun he got from out the dash board "get yours" he said and i reached in my purse and pulled out mines.

But inside..
Inside i was pissed the fuck off at him! For just a second i looked up at the sky and recollected my thought. When we got to the house, he opened my unlocked door and flicked on the living room lights.

My heart dropped and i become weak kneed looking around my trashed house. EVERYTHING! My family portraits of the twins the frames broken scattered glass covered the floor many of the pictures ripped and torn. And the furniture was wrecked holes gouged in with knife slits the cotten inside pulled out, the Tv bashed in the plants thrown and dirt everwhere and thats when i noticed the stench "oh God" i covered my nose holding tight to the gun as i startted to the kitchen to see food all on the floor milk, eegs cheese sugar scattered everywhere! But it wasnt the smell... The bathrooms and bedrooms all of it wrecked, when i finally got to my babies room i broke down.

Even a cold hearted bitch couldn't take seeing this when it came to her kids. This was my babies room cometely trashed and ruined, with spray paint on the walls.

Does it scared you that we so close to home

That's whwn i noticed the smell was coming from their rooms, when i seen the drenched moist beds. These niggas piased on my fucking babies beds and trashed everything took everything,i looked at Aprils dolls with their heads cut off and tears fell from my eyes when i seen to dolls a boy and girl there arm & legs torn off hair cutand a rop around their necks "oh uhuh" i said trying to calm myself my breathing became harder and harder to exhale & inhale.

"I got to get you out of here" he said grabbing me and trying to pull me out, but with a burning blurry vision i pushed him away from me.

Getting in his face, my hands hot and was itching for revengence "you handle this muthafucka Ite ! I want that muthafuckas grave, i want his fucking COLD muthafucking body in his papi and mami's back muthafucking yard , matta fact i want him butched like these fucking dolls and bagged and sent to his fucking abuelas" i hissed and without thinking i slammed my fist into the walls and let him pull me out before i started bashing my head in the wall.

"You know i am Queen, but i still want yo ass out" he told me trying to sooth me but i knew him better than that on the inside he wanted to bash his fist in too.

He walked me out and opened the car door, " queen?" i blinked away my tears as i slid in the car my hands was too scared ti let go of my gun staring at my home, my fucking home!

"Andrew, stop i can't talk to you right now" he leaned in and kissed my forehead

"Be safe riding... Dont tell me where you at.... Dont tell anybody... Stay with whoever you staying with I'll call you when i get you a different house somewhere else"

"Andrew, i don't need shit-"

"Queen i owe you this ite so dont argue when im trying to do the right thing!"

"The right thing? Muthafucka the right thing is you having never came back in our lives or you stopping this whole shit you got over a mill in the fucking bank, you are out the fucking hood... You just love it too much to let go, you lied to my muthafucka you lied" i rolled up my windows and started my car.

So much shit ran threw my head as i drove, tears started falling again. What if i decided to let Shanty watch them at my house whwn i was gone... They could have been killed or .. Oh God .. I started dialing Keisha number when it messed me up cause she called me ..


"Girl, come to my house Pook just told me every fuxking thing yo, he just left to pick Drewup and i need to talk to yo ass Pook and i just seen some shady ass shit yo, niggas done slipped up few but the police just came all in my in Pooks crib bitch like an hour ago looking for some fucking weed,remember when i told you that bitch planted my house and now the muthafuckas staking our house out "

"dealing with who? & did they find anything?"

"maria Bitch, she doing dirty work against all of us... & hell naaaah girl i threw all that shit in the toilet and flushed that muthafucka hell nah"

"Damn what the fuck going on yo! Im on my way" i hung up and banged my fist against the steering wheel, fuck man!

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