Chapter 25 Queen's POV

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Fucking bastered! I was so fucking confused, why the hell have two little fucks been following me yet not one is flinching to rush to Keisha! If Keisha... I bit into my lip, my eyes buring with straight fear. When i looked back i realized the Black car wont following me anymore. I took my cell and called Keisha cause i didn't like the way this shit was going... I pressed on the gas going behind her neighborhood so i could pull up on the back of Keisha's house.

I had to go threw the little passage way connected to all the house on Keisha's street and got bit by i dont know how many bugs before i made it to her gate. I opened it with a spare key and studied the house, an odd smoky smell was in the air and i ran in the middle of the feild when i noticed the fogged window the closer i got. "Oh fucking asswhole" i scream and started running to the house, when i touched the knob, i almost took the skin of my hand off. I looked around seeing nothing to break the door down with and biting on my lip i aggressively started kicking in the door repeatedly til the door busted opened and smoke flew out from the door making me stumb "shit shit" i cursed "Keisha!" i scream running inside with complete panic and coughing as the gas and smoke burned the lining of my eyes as i ran threw the house "Keeishaa"

Wtf! I was panicking and my breaths were getting shorter as i called for her in her big ass house. I checked all of the rooms, running back down stairs with the little strength the i had, my breath was becoming hard and sweat formed beads on my forehead "mmmm" i cried falling to my knees and closed my eyes tears falling down my cheeks "come on Keisha where you at girl" i weezed and choked on air until i realized from the ground i was beaneath the smoke and could see better then when i was standing up, my breathing became easier but still choppy as i crawled on the ashy floors "key !" i called out entering the kitchen hall i placed my hand on the floor and my eyes widened at the thick warm blood on the floor oh no no no no "key" i called and crawled alongside the blood trail i could tell by the form of the blood she was either dragged or pulling herself to the garage. I entered the hallway to the garage and frowned at the site of my best friend Keisha. I stood tears falling from my eyes from the site of her and the poisonous gas in the air as i rushed to her and kneeling i checked for a paulse "you hear me mama, come on key" i felt a very very weak paulse. She laid on her back and her face was covered in blood from a big ass gash on her forhead as i examined her body discovering two bullet holes: one in her stomach and one in her dislocated arm "be strong girl" i prayed as i pulled her up too me with all the strenth i had and carried her to the back of the house door, "i got you" she was heavier then i remembered and the burning of my eyes and soreness of my lungs were not helping as i stumbled using the wall to hold me up as i pushed myself out of the doorway and sucked in all the fresh air. i walked aross the feild with her "i got you" i repeated the whole time as my legs shook fiercely and i pushed threw the gate and closed it by falling against it , her body tumbling to my body "I'm going, im going" my breathes were hard and it hurt to breath but keisha was barely breathing, tears flooded my vision but the burning only increased with every blink and i pulled my self up her blood soaking my shirt i rushed back to my car. I gently placed her feet on the ground holding her under her sholders as i opened the back door,i laid her on the backseat and grabbing a abondoned shirt left under the seat and i tied it around the gash on her head to stop some bleeding "hang in there i whispered laying the backseat down, i checked her palse one last time to find it a little bit strong. I shut the door and ran to the driver's side and started the car and left that place. Grabbing the phone i dialed 911 to Report Keisha's house.

Eyes on Maria

"Ayee E, roll me one up" licking my lips as i stalled behind Maria car at a good distance enough for her to not recognize and suspect "we got her" i hissed my heart racing and thumping against my chest. When my boy Andrew hit me up and told me i was needed for Road protrol and assassination, i was all up for it. So let me introduce myself, name is Timothy Mando Jackson grew up in Petersburg VA at the age of 18 enlisted into the military and worked for my mans Andrew when it came to his clean ups, ive been 25 for 6 month, baby on the way, wife home being gorgeous, and bread on the table. Maria had to be at least worst 30Gs when i caught her body, and this busta beside me sparking my blunt was Encho, he was from Canada but raised in a foster home in Dallas, we met him 3 years back when Andrew was dealing with a large shipment on the coast. He had an eye for everything and was good with pointers, had him on my side ever since.
"Yo you think we be able to fuck her? I mean i know she a hoe anyways she'll probably give that shit up" he licked his dry lips and took a drag before passing me my blunt

"You wanna keep the health of yo manhood my dude i suggest you keep sticking your shit in clean pussy, don't be worry about that hoe, pussy gotta be green from all the dicks she fucked" Encho chuckled and nodded in agreement

"Its a motel 6 about a mile or 2 up, think she gonna rest up there" i shook my head

"She got a trunk filled of drugs and money, if anything the only stop she'll be making is too the gas station"

"So when do we kill her ass" he asked impatient and i only smiled as i stared back at the road when my cell rung, it was a text from Andrew

You still tailing?

I texted back right behind her, give me one last hour and ill be omw to the trap

"Lets get this over with" i sign signing when she pulled into a pit stop. I looked at him "ite what do we do first kill her or get the stuff"

"Get the stuff, we got about 30 mins till she come back"

"But why have a limited time on it, i mean the drugs and shit aint going no where plus how we gonna get into the car the doors lock"

"How you know"

"Cause the bitch got guap and products in her truck idiot"

I pulled in the far end opposite her car, and right on time i heard the door shut and the beeps indicating that ahe locked her door, shaking my head i looked back at him.

"We'll bust the windows" i roll me eyes ,fucking young ass.

"Take her, she got the key, in & out on the car then take her and body her ... That simple now come on times a ticking, follow me"

I scaned the area as much as i could, decided the white old man and a white blond hair blue eyes woman working inside the booth area the place was pretty much dead, there was only on cameras and from the bottom left side corner the red light wasnt turned on which meant it was either broke turned off. Keisha went to the restrooms which was in the back of the gas station, and no cars were in that lot or around... It was completely free of witnesses.

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