pain pain pain

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Tear fell from the corners of my eyes and it became hard for me to think. Between the empty feeling in my body physically and my mental state,it was becoming hard to become logical and clear. When i begged for them to let me go, my words only became mumbles. The hand were becoming swollen and bruising on my
Wrist from the ropes that had me hanging from the floor.

My back torn and bearing whipped marks on them from when Rico's guys came in and started to mock me. "Pinto gonna love him a black bitch" they said i spit at them for their words and told them that they weren't nothing but pussy which in return earned me more whips on my back and butt with the buckle of a belt.

Sweat pouring in my eyes "mmmm please" i begged to the men I knew was behind me. "Least loosen the ropes or put me feet on th-" his hands closed around my lips and i closed my eyes as his free hand traced over my breast

Down to my stomach slowly, i struggled trying to breath as his grip tighten around my lips and nose. My heart pounding as i felt his hot breaths on my neck. His pressed his fingers forcefully in me and i cried out loud, he only pulled my head back so my chin pointed to the ceiling with his nails digging in my cheeks as he muffled my crys. He whispered in my ear in Spanish a word I've heard multiple times before. It meant whore. I closed my eyes losing consciousness as his fingers pressed deep inside me repeatdly. "I cant breath" i cried but my lips were closed by his grips.

The door clicked, letting in an alarm of pounding noise i hadn't heard with the heavy door shut. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS" a growl came from behind me and the men jumped away from me.

I opened my mouth and gulped greedily at the air, my lips dry and cracked. Weakly, i lifted my head looking up at my hand i could no longer feel. Even. Though i couldn't feel them they were shacking.. In fact, i was shaking. I blinked hard and thought.

Drew not coming for me

"Rico! I was just .... She just..." he stuttered. Walking backwards away from Rico who i couldn't see behind me. But the guy was in eye view and i watched as he held his hand in the air.

I winced at the cold hands that traced on my back "what the fuck did yall do!" he repeated "you think this shit-that she was a fucking pinata, bitch! That she was your fucking whore to fucking screw ! Our fucking men our up there killed because some muthafuckas think that they can come on my fucking turf and... And you do" shot blasted and i watched the men head get blown off, his body flying backwards hitting the wall behind him.

"O god" i cried, and thought of my children, i missed them so much and really needed to hear there voices.

"Queen, i do apologize for my men insensitivity to your matter. You should not have to have been introduced to such barbaric behaviors" he cleared his throat and stretched his neck. "Now with this being sad, i have less time to get you on the boat then i thought i would have, so my men are going to take those ropes off of you and carry you to the boat"

"Fuck you"

He smiles "Queen, i want to make This clear to you how for the next couple of years you will be miserable and i will enjoy every last fucking bit of those years"

His jaw tightens and i feel cold clammy hands on me. And the pressure from my hands relax and sting with overbearing pain. A guys hand slipped on my back and i let out a scream, arching my back in agonizing pain "aaaah mmmmm" i cried biting down on my lip, to weak to fight them off. "Fuck you Rico!" i cursed. Fuck you Andrew!

Thats when it happened. Shot began to fire and the men dropped me to the ground my right arm reaching out to stop my fall but, bruised and still numb, i watched as my bone popped in my wrist "son of a bitch" i cried out, pain biting deep into me now. I moaned and blinked tears, my vision blurry like a rained on window. I watched as the Rico's men shot back but slowly went down. Blood splattered on my face and body. i saw Rico and then i saw ... I saw ... No hell no ! My skin boiled with relief and anger as i saw Rico being pummeled in the face till his hands fell limply at his side. His cheeks bones looked crushed and drew?

Ran behind him handing him a big gun. I watched as Drew raised his gun to Rico head and pressed the trigger till the clip emptied out a hole in his face.

He looked crazy, his eyes way to calm and labored. He turned to me and ran to my side, examining my body. He reached for his gun again, looking back at Rico as if he was going to do him in again. But his calm eyes became soft and my eyes registered the loud alarm still ringing.

"Lets get you home" Rome handed him a big coat, that Drew wrapped around my body and lifted me up in his arm. I was trembling like those little dogs as i buried my face in his chest "i hate you" i mumbled "i fucking hate yo ass, i don't want to even fucking look at you" my lips trembled as i punched at him with my better hand.

"I know, i know" he said pressing me tight to his warm body, holding my hand still.

And i cried, my eyes burning ! As i cried and cursed at him till exhaustion ran over me like a truck and i closed me eyes "thank you" i said but it was almost silent and i doubted he heard me "thank you so much" i tried again with the same silent result.

----- almost over, not quite !

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