Episode 8

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I lay quietly on Ryan , my eyes on my ceiling, I have work today but am so lazy.

Ryan is my teddy bear, the biggest one I have here. I love teddy bears a lot. I have many little ones too.

Now I am so hungry, but I didn't sweep the yard  yesterday and it's our turn. If my mum sees me I would sweep it this morning, if I sneak out I will starve. Well, I choose sneaking out.

I hastily Got ready for work then I snuck out of the house. I got into the compound and the yard just looked messier than yesterday , do these sachets fall from heaven.

I was still in thought when another one landed on my head, I looked up and it was from Tyler's house. Obviously honey, Tyler's sister

" hey honey!!!" I shouted looking up
Her brother came out, Tyler, literally my only male friend/ the only man in my life
" why are you disturbing our peace Clara" he said
" Tyler call honey , call honey for me" I shouted jumping up. This is so painful, he just laughed at me
" Tyler!!" I shouted and my mum rushed out
"Clara, why didn't you sweep this yard yesterday huh!" She shouted
" I told you yesterday was a bad day" I said
" come here " she said and before she could move close , I already ran away
"Clara!!!" She shouted


I arrived at the hospital really late so I carefully snuck into a patients room. Finally, am safe. But am hungry and am so broke.

I can't believe I came late to work on such an important day. But where is Clara, the floor was already crowded.

I looked around for her but I did not see her so I rushed down the stairs. God the exam is about to start

I ran into Anna's nurse and she gave me the key card to Anna's room

" sir grande called me, check on Anna after your exam" she said and I bowed

" yes ma" I said

She left. I am the only nurse she gives Anna's key card whenever she won't be around, well I have been in the hospital longest , I was even with Ryan during Anna's surgery. So she trusts

Where is my best friend anyways, is she stupid. Her dream is about to pass her bye.

I ran into the kids section and there she was, she sat on the red ball quietly eating candy as the kids played around her. She only comes here when she is Down

" Clara what are you doing. The exams already started " I shouted at her

" what's the point, they would never pick me anyways " she said in a sad smile

" so you are giving up, just like that" I asked

She nodded

I removed the key card then I wore it on her neck

"Hold that for me then." I said she nodded.

I ran half way then I stopped

" but then Clara , my hope is on you, I did not read" I said turning

" mnnnn just text me the question " she said I smiled happily then I rushed away. When I closed the door , I saw her wipe her tears from the glass.. I felt bad

I finally Received the question and it was just weird. Even the question was wrong. I changed the question and gave my own answer.

I sent her the message then I placed my hand on my tummy, hunger.

That was when I saw the card I was wearing, omg Anna's room

I rushed out of the kids section then I rushed over to Anna's room

There my bestie lay, dressed in pink today. I smiled

" hey bestie " I called out then I sat beside her " I missed you so much" I said in a smile as I touched her hair

Suddenly the door started opening so I hastily hid under her bed.

" Anna, just die already. Must you be stubborn about everything. Just die and get off our backs" she said and I got scared

She walked over to the bed then she touched something. After that she left

Omg who is she, what did she touch

I ran out of the bed then I touched Anna to see if she was okay.

That was when I noticed someone increased her drip to the highest voltage. Who could be so crazy

I changed it to normal and that was when I saw the torn of sachet on the bed, I picked it up - wait I think I know this drug

I looked at the drug for a while and finally it hit me, it's used to paralyze people , both mentally and physically. It gradually damages the organs and finally the person would move from sleep to eternal rest

Goosebumps raised my skin and tears filled my eyes. Is this the reason why Anna is not waking up. But why!!!

I changed out the drip as fast as I could then I injected it with an energy drug , just the same color with that dangerous drug.

I plugged the warmer then I placed her cold hands in there.

"Anna you need to wake up. Don't let them kill you. I heard you where a fighter, it's time to fight. I know you can you hear me bestie. Every minute, every second, make an attempt to raise your finger, open your eye, raise your leg, please" I whispered then I wiped my tears as I touched her hands in the warmer . Finally her hands where warm enough so I switched it off

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