Volume 2 Chapter 12: Night Assault

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Date: January 20, XXXX

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: Bullhead

''Team AZUR. Over the two weeks, I have assigned you to perform hit and runs on White Fang bases here in Vale. But that may all soon change. One of my informants has told me that this base holds all the stolen dust taken by Roman Torchwick. You're objective is to secure the base and apprehend the White Fang members operating it. And if you have the opportunity. Capture Roman Torchwick and bring him here.''

''Understood, headmaster.''

A silky, soft voice responded to the headmaster of Beacon Academy. The headmaster visibly smiled upon hearing the shipgirls respond. Not only because this particular KANSEN had quite a 'Personality' quote on quote.

''Good luck, Miss Lexington.''

The scroll turned off immediately and displayed the words, Connection Lost. Placing down the scroll, Lexington stared at her team. With her on this mission were Suffolk, Takao, and Bismarck.

''Communations online?''

''Y-Yes! Master Lexington.''

''Takao, Bismarck?''

The ship girls immediately approached their leader before giving their nods. Lexington gave out a motherly smile at her teammates.

''Hai. I am prepared, Lexington-san.''

''Jawohl. I'm combat ready, Schwester.''

''Ara~ Ara~ eager, aren't you?''

The carrier teased out. Gaining a light blush from the Japanese heavy cruiser and the German battleship. Picking her flintlock rifle, Lexington awaited the pilot's signal. And it wouldn't be long until the bullhead that they were riding arrived at their destination.

''Ma'am! We're above the base.''

''Very well. Open the doors.''

''Understood, ma'am.''

On cue, the doors opened and exposed the KANSENs to the harsh winds outside. Suffolk held her skirt down, afraid of letting her teammates see her undergarment, an unladylike expression toward her superiors as she was part of the Royal Navy's maid corp.

''Ah! It's so windy! Are we doing this, Master Lexington?''

''Of course, the headmaster expects us so. Team AZUR! The word is given!''

One by one, each KANSEN leaped off of the bullhead. Albeit scared of heights, Suffolk followed her master's commands. The four shipgirls proceeded to glide smoothly to their objective.

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