Volume 3 Chapter 22: Crow & Ice

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Date: October 7, XXXX

Time: 3:15 PM

Location: Crow Bar

Taking a sip from his drink. The veteran huntsman eyed the television as Team JNPR won by knockout against Team BRNZ. He scoffed at the new generation of protectors that would replace them.

''Huh, those kids weren't half bad.''


The bartender commented while getting a meh from his customer. This confused the bartender greatly; what wasn't impressive about that?

'Maybe, but they're still green. Against what I face. These kids wouldn't last a second.'

Unbeknownst to the huntsman, a familiar acquaintance of his entered the bar. Dawning an urban garb and an odd-looking watch. The hunter in training approached the drunk veteran.

''Why do you always drown yourself with such beverages?''


Turning around, the veteran saw him. A boy who told him a bunch of things that he shouldn't believe in, and yet he did. Raising a hand, he expressed his greetings.


''Qrow. How has your day been?''

''Good, very good. How bout you and your buddies? You settling in well with Beacon, I hope?''

''More than that.''

Taking a seat beside him. Qrow could tell that somebody sent the kid, but he didn't know who. But he didn't care about who either; he'd let this one play out.

Meanwhile, the bartender was concerned about why a hunter in training was present at his establishment. He didn't want the cops to storm his place and arrest him for selling liquor to minors.

''Uh, kid. This place is for adults.''

''Oh, I know. I am merely here to collect my friend.''

''Good, he's not doing so well.''

''I know, I'll take care of him, don't you worry.''

Answering the concerns of the bartender. The hunter in training looked at Qrow and saw how wasted he was. The stench of liquor from his breath would cause him irritation from his nose.

''You should cut down on your drinking, you know?''

''Ha! In your dreams, Adam, what are you now? My nieces?''

Qrow responded as he took another sip from his glass. Ignoring the annoyed expression of Adam.

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