Volume 3 Chapter 26: Evacuation

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Date: October 9, XXXX

Time: 5:45 PM

Location: Amity Colosseum


The system warned as the Nevermore pecked at the energy dome. Although everyone else was evacuated, the contestants for the tournament opted to stay. But without their weapons, they wouldn't be able to do much against the airborne Grimm.

''Pyrrha! That thing is about to break in! You have to move!''

Jaune pleaded as Pyrrha Nikos stood still, shocked about what she had just done. Meanwhile, the energy dome flickered as it was in the state of being broken by the Nevermore. Taking flight, the Grimm would dive bomb at the energy dome and finally break in.

''Pyrrha, please! Snap out of it!''

The blonde said as he closed the distance between him and his partner. But as he was about to place a hand on Pyrrha's shoulders. The Nevermore broke through the energy dome and brought a strong gust of wind that blasted away everything.

A loud screech bellowed from the Grimm as it spread its wings. The warrior of Mistral could only watch as the Nevermore gradually got closer to her. Leaping forward, the Grimm opened its beak, attempting to consume its first prey.

''Leave her alone!''

A voice echoed, and soon after. A spear landed on the Nevermore's forehead, causing it to stagger mid-leap. That action alone saved Pyrrha's life, but who did it?

Coming into view. The KANSEN battleship made her presence known. The Nevermore screeched in return as it took flight and circled the arena. And after gaining enough speed, it would change its direction and open its talons.

''It's high noon! Suffolk, let her sing!''

''Understood-d! Master Hornet!''

Suddenly, six loud bangs echoed throughout the Colosseum as a hail of explosions peppered the Grimm, causing it to lose control and crash. Looking behind them, everyone saw Adam and Zachary transformed into their shipgirl forms.

''Ayanami! It's down!''

Hornet shouted, and dashing forward was the Demon of the Sakura Empire. And with her katana at hand. The destroyer closed the distance and leaped forward at the still-conscious Nevermore.

''Omae wa mou shindeiru!"

As the Grimm lifted itself off of the ground. Ayanami, like lightning, sliced the creature's head from its body. The Nevermore then thuds to the ground and begins to dissolve into dust. The destroyer landed gracefully and sheathed her blade.

Everyone was in awe as to what just happened. Team AZUR had just taken down the Nevermore like it was nothing. Well, it goes to show how powerful they are and how capable they are as hunters.

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