Volume 3 Chapter 23: Fall

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Date: October 8, XXXX

Time: 10:15 AM

Location: Amity Colosseum

Explosions rocked the Colosseum as Russel Thrush ran to take cover behind a boulder. His enemy, Penny Polendina, continued her assault and fired her floating arrays at her opponents.


Sky Lark yelped as he barely dodged Penny's floating array. Holding his breath, he took cover behind a boulder. Looking over to his right, he saw his partner.

''Ma'am, we have another schedule after this. So please finish before we're too late.''

''Oh my, very well!''

Hearing her partner's advice, Penny used her 'Semblance' to levitate the boulders that covered her opponents. Sending them several feet in the air, Russel and Sky were in a panic as they hadn't expected Penny to levitate them.

''Son of a-''

Penny then let go of the boulders, crashing them to the ground with their occupants. The aura of the two huntsmen would be so depleted that they were classified as knocked out.

''Victory goes to Penny and Ciel of Atlas!''

Doctor Oobleck announced as the crowd cheered on for the two huntresses. Bowing down to her opponents, Penny wanted to thank them for participating in the tournament.

''Thank you for a wonderful time!''

''Your... Welcome.''

Russel answered before exhaustion took over his body. The two victorious huntresses walked back to their dorms but were halted by the sight of a proud German in the distance. Penny sprung forward to greet her friend, Reinhart.

''Freundin Penny!''


Embracing the hug of his mechanical friend. Reinhart was proud of his friend's recent victory. But he couldn't help but notice Penny's partner giving him a stare.

''Reinhart, this is my teammate.''

Letting go of her best friend. Penny introduced her partner to Reinhart, although Ciel wasn't comfortable with Reinhart's presence.

''Ciel Soleil.''

''Greetings! I am-''

But before the Germanian could finish. A hand would halt his mouth from introducing himself.

''Reinhart Iron. Age eighteen. Kingdom of origin. Unknown. Member of Team AZUR. Status questionable.''

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