Volume 2 Chapter 14: Investigation Begins

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Date: January 22, XXXX

Time: 3:30 PM

Location: RWBY Dorm

After Professor Port's class had concluded, Team RWBY was about to embark on a quest to investigate. Getting their gear and clothing on, it was time they set out to search for what the White Fang was after. Boots were strapped, blades were sheath, gauntlets ready, and straps tightened. These young girls were prepared for what was ahead of them.

''I thought that class would never end.''

''Alright, guys! Today is the day. The investigation beings!''

Hopping off her bed, Ruby proclaimed the beginning of their mission.

''I'm glad you are taking this so seriously.''

''Hey! We have a plan. That's moderately serious.''

The brawler responded swiftly. However, it did not impress the Schnee that much. Sure, they had a plan, but it wasn't technically a plan and more of a checklist.

''Right! Everyone remembers their roles?''

''You and I will head to the CCT to check the Schnee records for other dust robberies or inconsistencies. And as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem.''

''The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. And if I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning.''

''I have an old friend on the shady side of town who typically knows everything happening in Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard.''

After each one answered, Ruby nodded. They would split into three and search for clues on the White Fang. This way, they could clear ground much faster and not get suspected by anyone.

''Great! We'll meet up tonight near Yang to go over what we found. Let's do this!''


A familiar voice answered. Looking out the window, the four saw Sun Wukong hanging upside down on a tree branch.


''How did you get there?''

Yang questioned because their dorm was several floors up. But it seems the blonde Faunus had his way of getting there, along with his friend.

''That's easy! I do it all the time.''


''I climb trees all the time.''

Entering Team RWBY's dorm through the window. Sun dusted himself and approached the girls.

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