Volume 3 Chapter 27: Angel & Wyvern

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Date: October 9, XXXX

Time: 6:05 PM

Location: Vale Airspace

''We're approaching the airship, hang on, Ruby!''

''Okay! The wind is very loud!''

Ruby commented as they flew toward the airship. Flapping her wings, Yorktown flew past the airship. Afterward, she folded her wings, allowing her to land. But doing so created a loud thud on the airship's hull.

''We've landed. Let's hurry and make our way to the-''


The carrier shouted as she pushed Ruby to duck as a flock of Griffons flew past them. But not all would notice their presence on the airship. Four Grimm made their way to them and landed in front of them. Screeching loudly, the Griffons would spread their wings in an act of intimidation.

''We got company!''

Ruby pointed out as the two of them got up. Summoning her two semi-automatic high explosive Hellfire Shotguns, Yorktown was about to unleash hell on these Grimm.

''Then let's greet them.''

The KANSEN stated as she pointed her weapons at two Griffons in front of her and fired. The shells fired from the shotguns broke away to let their explosive pellets make contact with Grimm and deal massive damage. Explosions peppered the creatures before they could even move toward their prey.

Meanwhile, the red reaper showcased her practice of the scythe and engaged with one of the Grimm head-on. Delivering a massive swing on the Griffon, Ruby inflicted damage on its back. In retaliation, the Grimm swung its claws but missed its target. This left the Griffon open for Ruby to impale her weapon onto its skull.

''Ruby, behind you!"

Yorktown called out, but it was too late. The Griffon made its move and slashed at the huntress. Ruby's aura took the hit, but she was launched several feet backward. The reaper groaned as she saw the Grimm come closer, and fear forced her to panic with her weapon. Trying her best to transform Crescent Rose into her sniper form.

But her death wouldn't be this day as a hail of explosions peppered the Griffon. Looking at her right, she saw Yorktown and her smoking shotguns. Soon enough, the Grimm was dealt with. Getting up, she'd dusted herself as the carrier approached her.

''You okay?''

''Yeah, thanks.''

''No problem. Now, let's move on.''


Nodding at her friend's suggestion, Ruby would hear a click behind her. Turning around, she saw a girl in pink in an Atlas naval uniform slowly transforming into another piece of clothing. The newcomer smirked the two hunters in training.

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