Volume 2 Chapter 19: Mountain Glenn

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Date: January 29, XXXX

Time: 11:20 AM

Location: Vale Airspace

''Listen up, huntsmen. Our mission is to search for the White Fang's base of operation on Mount Glenn. We'll land several klicks away from the mountain, and afterward, we go on foot. Pick your transformation wisely. I need a wide range of abilities on stand-by.''

Specialist Shepard informed the four hunters in training. Adam and his friends nodded at the specialist's orders. There was no room for failure in this mission. The headmaster sanctioned this in the first place. This meant that Ozpin had trusted them, and they would not disappoint him.

''Understood, specialist. We have a wide range of ship girls to choose from. We know what's best for this situation.''

''Sensei, why are we dropping that far from our objective?''

Uzuki raised a good point. Couldn't they land on Mount Glenn and perform a sweep, then? Or was there a good reason for such a maneuver?

''We're going in on potential enemy territory. We don't know what's waiting for us on Mount Glenn. For all we know, the enemy has already fortified the place.''

''I see.''

The Japanese responded because, in truth, he had not considered that the White Fang would consider fortifying anything. He and his team have always gone after White Fang dust operations, but this was different. It wasn't a dust operation because they were gunning for their base. There was a possibility of ambushes and traps waiting for them.

''Sir Shepard, I assume that communication with Beacon Academy will be shut down?''

''Affirmative, we don't want unknowns listening in on us.''

''If that's the case. This mission will cut us off from the rest of the world.''

''Mount Glenn is a dead zone. No comms, no signal, and no rescue if things go south.''

The specialist pointed out. On cue, the bullhead made it to their destination. Slowly lowering its altitude, Team AZUR's transport landed smoothly. The doors swung open, and fresh air greeted the hunters.

''Huntsmen dismount and transform immediately.''

''Roger. Guys, select your KANSENs and transform.''

Hedding Adam's command, Zachary, Uzuki, and Reinhart. Twist the knobs of their watches and in a blinding flash of light. The members of Team AZUR transformed. What replaced the four boys were the ship girls they selected for this mission.

First off was Enterprise. The carrier ace had the sharpest aim out of all of them. Her longbow could create a streak of lightning that acts as her arrow. Not only did it travel at a fast velocity, but the lightning could also explode upon impact.

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