Volume 3 Chapter 24: Destiny

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Date: October 9, XXXX

Time: 8:30 AM

Location: Headmaster Office

''A terrible tragedy took place this afternoon during the one-on-one rounds of the Vytal Festival tournament-''

Lisa Lavender of VNN narrated. Afterward, a holographic video of what happened was displayed. But before she continued her report, the Headmaster of Beacon would switch channels.

''I don't know what the headmaster of Beacon is teaching his students, but that was disgraceful, completely uncalled-''

The comment of a bystander about Beacon's performance and ability to initiate a fair fight was questioned. And again, the headmaster switched to another channel.

''Despite Atlas reinforcements. Local authorities are still calling on any available Huntsman and Huntresses to aid and suppress the spike in Grimm activity-''

On-screen was the tide of Grimm slowly making their way to Vale's defenses. Beowolves, Ursa's, Nevermore, Death Stalkers, and Goliaths. The Vale defense guard was already being stretched too thin. If 'she' decided to play her cards in. Vale will fall, without a doubt.

While that was the case, Ozpin must attend to a problem that has recently occurred. Yesterday's tragedy was already a sign that 'Cinder' was beginning to make her move. Team AZUR has already confirmed that Mercury Black is in league with her, but right now. They couldn't let them know they were aware of their enemies' identities.

'The beginning of the end is nigh.'

On cue, a loud ding interrupted the headmaster. Turning his attention to the elevator, Ozpin observed as the leader of Team AZUR and Team RWBY's Yang Xiao Long arrived at his office.

''Come in.''

''Good morning, headmaster.''

''Likewise, Adam. I see you have brought Miss Xiao Long with you.''

''Of course, headmaster.''

''Very good. Miss Xiao Long, please take a seat.''

Hedding the headmaster's request. Yang walked forward, accompanied by Adam, and sat. With what happened yesterday, Yang couldn't believe what was happening. She was prepared to defend her innocence to the nail.

''Headmaster Ozpin, Mercury attacked me first!''

''I know. We all know.''

For the first time, Yang finally found someone other than her teammates and friends who agreed with her. But why hadn't they said anything to defend her?

''If that's the case? Why not defend me in front of everyone!''

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