Volume 2 Chapter 20: Night Brakes

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Date: January 30, XXXX

Time: 12:00 AM

Location: Mountain Glenn

''White Fang night patrol spotted.''

''We're not too late then. Let's follow and find out where the cave entrance is.''


''Stay close, hunters.''

The hunters in training obliged and moved in with the specialist. They needed to go quietly. After all, Faunus are known to have heightened hearing and smell. Following the night patrol, they made their way toward Mount Glenn.

''Shepard-sensei. What are our objectives upon entering the base?''

''The underground train system will be crawling with White Fang. Our best advantage we'll have is the night. Stay hidden and only engage when you have to.''


As they reached the cave entrance to the mountain, the patroling Faunus entered, but not before putting up a barricade.

''That cave is our entry point. Move in and don't make any noise.''

The hunters then emerged out of the foliage. Moving in on the cave entrance, they all took a knee down as the specialist investigated the barricade.

''Won't budge open. Belfast, use your strength and get this barricade off.''

''Very well, Sir Shepard.''

Grabbing the barricade, the maid lifted it and placed it on the side. With their path clear of any obstacle, they moved in.

''Obstacle clear, move in.''

Entering the premises of the now-abandoned underground railway of Mount Glenn. White Fang was all over the place carrying dust crates onto a train. Paladins were also doing the same with cargo containers. The question that lingered on everyone's mind was why the White Fang needed this much dust.

''Visual on White Fang base of operations.''

''Hmm, this must be the dust Torchwick has stolen.''

''So it would seem. We don't know if Torchwick is around, so keep your distance and stay hidden.''

Looking at the activity in front. The hunters knew something would happen if they let this play out. Luckily, they were in a position to stop them.

''I've got visuals on White Fang goons and Paladin battlesuits. Damn, it seems they got more of Atlas's equipment.''

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