Chapter 1 - The Unknown

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Why would you let that thing in there? It could kill all of them, even us! The company can not be taking big risks like this right now. Who even gave you the authority to do this? He, he told me to. Why is he doing this? Does he even know how much of a risk he is? Whatever he is doing, I hope he thought it out first...

POV ☼DogDay☼

Yawnnnn "Wow it's already 5:50 am? I thought my alarm was supposed to wake me up at 5:30? I should probably get ready before the others start worrying about me." Dogday gets out of bed and stretches before going downstairs to make herself some breakfast. She stumbles out of bed and walks down the stairs almost tripping on the way down. She then goes to her pantry and grabs a box of sunshine cereal. She then pours the cereal in a bowl and goes to grab the milk but when she turns around the bowl she had just placed down is gone. "Wait didn't I just-" she hears a thud upstairs and gets startled at the noise. She grabs a wooden spoon from the kitchen and slowly makes her way up stairs. As she steps on the first step, she can hear the thudding getting louder. She slowly goes up farther and gets to the last step, before turning around the corner she grips her spoon harder and swallows the spit in her throat. She finally turns the corner and sees... nothing?

"Wow I must be really tired because I'm going insane" She turns around to go downstairs again but that's when it happened. The lights turned off, she then sees it. In the dark a pair of white dot eyes, staring at her. She smells a sort of gas start to fill her lungs, and then she starts getting sleepy and drowsy. She tries to take a step to run away but fails and falls down the stairs. As she falls she hears a scream from the thing that was staring at her. Then when she is about to hit the floor and collapse...

beep beep beep beep

Dogday wakes up "AHHHHH" dogday screams. "JESUS WHAT WAS THAT" oh that was just a dream. She gets out of bed in a panic to see the time. 5:30 am it says. She was so scared at what had just happened she sits there and tries to think back about what happened but it's a dream so she already forgot almost all of it. She decides to get ready (for real this time) and eat go downstairs. As she opens the door she peeks her head out to the left and right to check for anything. She hurriedly walked down stairs and poured her cereal and milk. Dogday then gets up and picks out her clothes. After picking a regular white shirt and jeans to wear she rushes out the door and grabs her pendant.

As she runs outside she sees Hoppy Hopscotch, KickenChicken, and Bobby BearHug playing soccer. "Double H! Kicken! BB!" dogday screams. (Dogday uses nicknames sometimes for her friends). "What are you guys doing?" dogdays asks. "They are seeing which one can hold a ball on their head longer" Bobby Bearhug says. "So what are you doing?" Dogday asks. "I'm timing them" bobby sighs. Dogday cant help but let out a little giggle. She then asks them "Would you guys like to come over to my house for a sleepover?" Bobby says "Of course I would love to!" Hoppy looks at dogday and looks really excited so she screams "YES I WOULD LOVE TO" but as she screamed the ball she was balancing on her head fell. "YES I WON" Kicken says. "I would also be happy to join" Kicken says as Hoppy starts arguing with kicken on how it wasn't fair. "BUT I WAS JUST RELPYING TO HER QUESTION" Hoppy exclaimed. The two continued fighting about who won as Dogday walked away.

Dogday then sees Bubba Bubbaphant and Craftycorn sitting and talking on the grass. "BUBBA! CRAFTY!" she screams (again). They both turn their heads to see Dogday running to them, they wave at her and wait for her to get to them. "What are you guys doing?" Dogday asks. "Crafty wanted me to be her model for a sketch" Bubba says. Then Craftycorn hits bubba with a paint brush to indicate to stop moving. "oww" bubba says, dogday giggles and says "Would you guys like to come over to my house for a sleepover?". Crafty says yes and bubba just looks at dogday while holding his breath. "You may speak" Crafty says in a demanding tone. Bubba exhales and says "I would love to!" he then goes back to holding his breath as crafty starts drawing. (Crafty doesn't mess around when it comes to her drawing 😭)Dogday giggles and walks away. "Hm that's almost everyone." She then thinks about Catnap and starts looking for him.

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