Chapter 14 - The Hour of Joy

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Sir where did he go? We lost his signal, he disappeared. I don't know but you better find that dam cat now or else we will have to into lockdown again and let the boss know that [REDACTED] is helping us now. Also get S.M.B armed and ready. WHAT? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US ALL? No, I'm just getting us prepared for what might happen.

POV ☼DogDay☼

It's getting kind of late so everyone decided to stop playing and decided to watch a movie until they fell asleep. I'm a little worried since it's already 12:24: AM and Catnap still hasn't returned. I'm starting to get really worried. "Dogday, you ok?" Bubba said with a worried expression. "Y-Yeah I'm fine. I'm just worried about Catnap, he still hasn't came back." I said with a frown. "I'm sure he is just sleeping under a tree or something you know him. He will probably be in the kitchen making breakfast for us all when we wake up." Bubba said trying to reassure me. I don't know... Catnap usually doesn't go for that long but I decided to calm down a little since being scared wont help the situation. "Maybe you're right... I'll just try to call him and maybe he will wake up." I said while pulling out my phone.

Everyone was basically asleep so I decided to step out to not disturb them with the phone call. I walk outside and take out my phone, I then find Catnap's contact and call him.







"Hello." Catnap spoke, "Catnap? Oh my god you scared me I thought something had hap-" I spoke before being cut off. "If you are hearing this then I'm not able to pick up the phone right now. Call me again later or leave me a message after the beep."


It was Catnap's automated voice mail. Tears slowly filled my eyes as I started to miss Catnap even more. "H-Hey Catnap I just wanted to know where you were. I'm really worried about you... please come back home. I love you" I said while trying not to make my crying audibly. I then ended the call and wiped my tears away. I look out in the distance and saw the grassy field, I wonder where Catnap is? I can't see anything because it's too dark. What if that thing that attacked me a few weeks ago got to Catnap? My mind went on a spiral of what-if's until I bursted out crying. I couldn't keep my tears anymore, I just miss him so much.

After crying for a little I cleaned my tears and walked back inside. Everyone was sound asleep so I quietly went to my sleeping bag and then tried to sleep and hoped that Catnap would be there with me in the morning.

POV ☽Catnap☾

Ughhh... my head hurts so much, what happened? I wake up dazed and looked around my surroundings. "What the..." I spoke while standing up. I noticed I was in a jail cell, it looked like the one where I met that hand. I tried to reach out but got my hand tugged back by the chains. I looked  down and noticed they chained my hands and ankles. I still had some slack so I could move around but barely any so it was extremely uncomfortable. I tried to use my tail but it had a metal ball chained to the end of it. Damit they thought of everything, what do they want with me? Who even are they? A bunch of question s filled my head but stopped when I heard footsteps walking around the corner.

"Hello? Who's there!" I spoke loudly to try to get their attention. "Ahh, the kitty is up. That's nice." a voice spoke. It was a quite deep and metallic voice, I squinted my eyes to see a shadow around the corner. The footsteps got louder as a metal monster walked around the corner. I could now see him clearly, it was a tall 10 foot metal robot made of thin wood and metal pieces and other parts that looked like... bones? The amalgamation of materials got closer to the cell door and looked at me. "Well hello Catnap." it spoke as it's metallic voice screeched, "W-What are you..." I asked terrified at the monster I was looking at.

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