Chapter 8 - Caught Red Handed

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POV ☽Catnap☾

"Why don't you play with me instead~" Dogday says teasing me, "I- What?" I ask startled at her bluntness. "You heard me." she responds, my face turns extremely red from what Dogday says. 'Is she joking or something?' I think as I reach up to the puppy laying her head on top of mine. "Aha... very funny." I say as I pet her head, "but-" Dogday says before I cover her mouth. "Shh be quiet." I whisper while getting up slowly.

"Hey chief over here! Look this vent is open, do you think it leads anywhere?" a voice echoes through the vents, "Shit they found us. We have to go now." I say while grabbing my things. Dogday scrambles and gets her items too. "How are we going to leave? This vent is the only way out?" Dogday says worried and scared. 'Dam she's right that vent is the only exit and entrance, and by the sound of it it looks like they are already entering. Hmm... How do we escape?' I think while looking around. "What are we going to do?" Dogday starts to panic, "Well if there isn't an exit... I'll make one." I say while touching the walls. I graze my hand across each wall and occasionally knock on the wall. "What are you doing?" Dogday asks scared. "Shhh... I'm trying to listen." I say while still feeling the walls. "HEY WHOS THERE? THIS IS THE POLICE COME OUT!" police officers yell from inside the vents, "Catnap, time is running out!" Dogday says terrified. "WE ARE COMING IN." officers yell as they kick the vent in. "CATNAP!" Dogday yells while backing away from the vent. "Hmm... this should be good." I say while taking a step back. The officers kick down the vent and they see both of them inside.


Catnap punches and breaks the wall to reveal a warehouse. "No time to wait!" I yell while grabbing Dogday's hand. "HEY STOP RUNNING THIS IS THE POLICE. GET BACK HERE!" the officers yell while dropping from the vent. Catnap and Dogday start running as fast as they can, they go through the halls jumping over pipes and going through doors and signs. They keep running but eventually Dogday gets too tired to run, "Catnap... wait! I'm- so.. tired! Wait!" Dogday says between breaths. 'Dam this dog. God why does she have to be so slow.' "Alright we can take a short rest over there." I say while pointing to a small picture booth. It would provide a nice cover and maybe we would lose the police. We run into the booth and I close the curtain, 'This booth is quite small...' "Uhm... sorry." Dogday says while trying to back up from my face.

The booth is so small that Dogday is sitting down but I can't stand up so I have to be leaning over her between her legs. Dogday's face gets red and she tries to speak. "Hey maybe they went this way!" an officer yells as he runs down the hallway. 'SHIT THE CURTAIN!' The curtain is closed but the bottom is open so u can see their feet. Catnap quickly hops on the seat and raises Dogday's legs and covers her mouth. The booth doesn't allow them to have any space so their private parts are literally touching. Catnap seems to be focused on what's going on outside but Dogday can't focus on anything when they are in this position. The footsteps get quieter and quieter until you can no longer hear them. Catnap exhales in relief as he takes his hand off of Dogday's mouth, Catnap now calmed down and is realizing what position they are in. "I-... I'm so sorry!" Catnap says franticly as he gets off and goes out the booth. Dogday's face turns bright red and it looks like she is about to explode but the same is with Catnap.

POV ☼DogDay☼

'Why am I so red and nervous? We were just hiding from the cops! But that position...' "We should probably lay low and try to get out of the mall for now." Catnap says while walking down the hallway, "Alright!" I say while walking next to him. "HEY. FREEZE." A officer yells from behind, "Shit." Catnap whispers while stopping. "You two hands up now!" the officer yells, "How could I have not noticed him?" Catnap says confused, 'Am I going to jail? I've never been to jail before! I'm a good dog!' "Alright now kneel down and lay on your stomach slowly!" The officer yells again. Catnap lays down with his hands behind his back and I follow and do the same. "Catnap I'm scared." I say shaking, "It'll be fine these are cops not robbers. They are here to help not hurt." Catnap says while wrapping his tail around my leg. "But then why were we running from them?" I whisper confused. "Well I'm not exactly a good cat..." Catnap says while not making eye contact. "What do you mean? Catnap... what did you do?" I ask. Catnap doesn't respond and he starts sweating a little while still not making eye contact. "Catnap look at me. What. Did. You. Do." I ask seriously. "Perchance I might've done some unethical things..." Catnap says.

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