Chapter 10 - The Moon Lost it's Sun

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Sir there they are, do I take her? Yes but be careful we don't want to wake him up. Why do they have to be cuddling god this is so annoying. Slowly... Slowly... Aha! Yes we did it! Alright bring her on back. Just try to be carful in coming bac- CRASH ARE YOU STUPID? YOU JUST KNOCKED OVER THEIR VASE. I'M SORRY SIR THIS CONTROLS ARE HARD 😭.

POV ☽Catnap☾ 

These past few weeks/days have been amazing. Dogday and I have been getting really close and I love it. Everything about her is so nice. Her fur, the way she talks, her smell, her eyes, her voice. She is so perfect I love her so much! I tighten my hold on Dogday wanting to be closer to her while I sleep, but when I squeezed I felt nothing. I sweeped the bed with my tail trying to find her sleeping body anywhere but I couldn't find it. I opened my eyes and saw the bed empty, I started to freak out as I heard a crash from downstairs. I rush downstairs to see what the noise was but I saw nothing, Nothing except that a vase that me and Dogday had placed was broken on the floor. I then turn to see the front door wide open. Maybe Dogday had gone out to get some fresh air or something? Or at least that's what I told myself.

"LET ME GO." I heard faint screaming from outside. I walk out the front door and look down to see a terrifying sight. A 12 foot mechanical beast stood down there while holding... Dogday? The robot then slammed his fist against Dogday's head, "Shut the fuck up or I'll kill you." the robot said. A tooth flung out of Dogday's mouth and she began to cry and cough up blood while holding her mouth. "HEY." I said while jumping down, "Well well well look what the cat dragged in." the robot said in a monotone voice. "CATNAP!" Dogday yelled while still crying.

"Well are you just going to stand there?" the robot asked, I stayed silent and just looked at Dogday scared of what just happened to her. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" the robot said jokingly. "Catnap, p-please help." Dogday said while crying and blood ran down her face. I lunged toward the robot and tried to punch it in the leg to break it down. It caught my fist with it's metal hand and started to crush my fingers. "That's not going to work." the robot said while pushing back and breaking my fingers. I yelled in pain as the robot kept pushing back.

I wrapped my tail around it's leg and pulled, the robot fell and let go of my fist. I jumped back and looked at my hand. Shit this isn't good, he broke 3 of my fingers. God that hurts so much, FUCK. I looked up from my hand to see the robot's fist already in front of me.


The robot punched me in the face so hard I went flying backwards. "If brute strength is all you have then you are not going to win this fight. So just give up." The robot said while walking toward my body. The punch was so strong that it created a crater on the dome, shit that hurt so much. I felt blood dripping down my head, and I looked up to see him walking toward me. I got up and lunged at the robot again, "This again?" the robot said as he tried to grab my fist again. Not this time, I dropped down and instead of punching I kicked the robot's legs making him trip forward, I then kicked the side of it's head as hard as I could.





I kicked the robot so hard that it too, had made a crater on the wall. "Finally some action." It said as it activated it's rockets. It flew toward me and tried to knee me in the head while flying, I quickly ducked and grabbed it's leg then spun it around and threw it. The robot quickly adapted and used it's boosters to rotate itself and push back. It sped toward me and and shot rockets? SHIT THAT WILL KILL ME. I coil my tail into a spring and launch myself up. The rockets quickly ran past my face and exploded on the wall behind me. BOOM the explosion was loud and it created a gust of wind. As I landed I noticed the robot was already in front of me again. It punched my in my chest but it wasn't regular. He charged his punch up, I could see electricity zapping through in and out his arm. I flew past the park and destroyed it, I then flew into the dome wall and hit it so hard it broke. I was in some wood scaffolding, god that hurts so much. Blood was gushing out my head and I coughed up blood.

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