Chapter 9 - If It's Just Pain, Catnap Won't Be Stopped

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POV ☼DogDay☼

'Catnap is a liar?'

'Catnap is a liar.'

"You know why everyone was looking at him when he walked in? It's because he is the most wanted person in this city alone, I'm sure he has warrants and bounty's on him across the country." the officer says while taking my empty cup. "I- I didn't know." I said nervously. "It's ok. None of his victims know until it's too late." The officer says while standing up and unlocking my handcuffs. "Thank yo-"


A gunshot goes off and the officer falls to the floor. "You're coming with me." the hooded man says. "W-What?" I back into the corner. They grab me and pull me out.

Multiple gunshots go off in the building and screams echo through the halls. The whole police station has been captured and officers are fighting back. A mysterious gang are fighting the cops while Dogday is being kidnapped and Catnap is nowhere to be found.

POV ☽Catnap☾

'Jesus, when is the last time they cleaned these vents? I'm pretty sure I swallowed a spider web...' I think as I crawl through the vents. BANG BANG gunshots go off. 'What the hell is happening out there?' "GO GO GO. IN HERE." A bunch of yells and screams come from outside. 'This is a lot of commotion for a police station...' I crawl the the vents and reach a fork in the path. 'Hmmmm, left or right? Well... you know what they say, right is right.' I think as I crawl to the right. 


'Huh? A bolt?'


The vent collapses and Catnap lands in a bunch of boxes inside storage room.

"Oww... guess right wasn't right." I say as I stand up. I look around the dark room in confusion. More gunshots go off outside and screams are heard. 'Ok seriously what the hell is going on out there?' I say as I creak the door a little. I see a bunch of gang member holding guns and walking around, multiple people are also on the floor with their hands behind their head. "What is that? HEY! YOU!" a gang member yells. 'SHIT HE SAW ME.' I quickly close the door and look around franticly. BANG BANG BANG the gang member tackles the door. "OPEN UP." 'Shit shit shit. What do I do?'



The door swings open and the gang member walks in. "HANDS... up?" he says confused as he sees nobody. BANG the door slams close. "H-HEY! WHOEVER IS THERE! S-SHOW YOURSELF! N-NOW!" the gang member nervously says. He looks around franticly with his weapon drawn in the pitch black room. THUD "W-Who's there." he says as he turns around scared. About 10 seconds go by of complete darkness and silence. "Shhhhh. Time to take a nap." Catnap whispers from behind before clawing out his throat.

I grab the gun from his body and hide his body in a box. 'Now we that I have a gun, my next priority should be finding Dogday.' I think as I peek out the door again. I look at all the people holding guns and the layout. 'Too many people, I can't just go out there. I need a distraction.' I quickly close the door and start looking around the small storage room. "Hm... they should have one somewhere here." I say as I rummage through a bunch of boxes. "Yes!" I say as I pull out a blueprint. 'Let's see...'  I think as I look at the blueprint. I graze across the paper and notice the room I'm in, I then look for the electrical room. "Hm it's not that far, alright." I say while putting the blueprint away.

I have to go through the hallway and take a left then I'm at the electrical room. Easy enough.

I open the door a little and crouch down. I peak out and see 3 member to the left and 1 blocking the hallway where I need to go. I close the door and take off my moon pendent. I shake my head and ask "Will I survive?" a few seconds go by and Catnap speaks again.

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