Chapter 7 - Lucky Kitty

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POV ☽Catnap☾

"Cute" I said out loud, Dogday's face turns red. 'Wait did I just say that?' "I-" Dogday says before getting cut off.



"DOGDAY GET DOWN." I yell while pushing her out the way. A bullet fires and goes through the window, luckily I pushed Dogday out of the way and she wasn't harmed. BANG BANG BANG. A few more shots go off and everyone screams and panics. "Shit this isn't good, there's too many people." I say while holding Dogday's head down, "W-What's happening?" Dogday asks scared. "No questions right now but don't worry I'll take care of it, I just need you to wear this." I say while passing her a gas mask. "Oh ok." Dogday says as she puts on the mask. 'I knew we were being followed, I should've done something about it when I noticed it at first. Now Dogday and all these people are in danger but, this should take care of that.' I take out the grenade out of my jacket and throw it over the table and through the glass. I then grab another and throw it in the store. '3... 2... 1'


The grenade go off but they are gas grenades, they are filled with red gas. All of the customers fall to the ground and fall fast asleep. "I'm guessing they came prepared so it wouldn't put them to sleep, but it at least creates a nice smoke screen." I say to myself while siting criss-crossed, "Who is them? And what is going on???" Dogday asks franticly. "Like I said, no questions currently. Now do you know how to use a gun?" I ask while taking out my gun. "W-WHAT? NO? OF COURSE NOT?" Dogday responds confused and alarmed. "Wow, really? This is going to be hard then." I say to myself while holding my head. 'Hmmmm... what to do now. They have us surrounded and I can't just take off because Dogday would get left behind. I'll just have to kill them... but they have me pinned. Shit this isn't good... it would take some incredible luck to get out of here... oh wait. Hahahhaha how ironic.'

"Hold this for me. Don't lose it." I say while taking off my pendent and handing it to Dogday, "Wait what???" Dogday says confused.

POV ☼DogDay☼

'Why is he giving me this? This is not the time for souvenirs!' "Don't worry I'll go handle this situation myself." Catnap says while crouching, "How??" I asked confused. Is he trying to get himself killed?? "I'll just kill them?" Catnap responds, "Can you kill them?" I asked again confused as to if he can kill them or not. Catnap shakes his head and something weird happens, "Signs point to yes." Catnap says while taking off with his gun in his hand. 'Is this mask tight enough because I think this gas is making me see things. I swear his eyes just turned into an 8 for a second.' 




Many shots go off and the loud bangs echo throughout the mall. I crawl under the front counter and curl up, I then cover my head with my ears and my ears with my hands. 'Everything will be ok. Everything will be ok. Everything will be ok.' I repeat to myself as tears fill my eyes. Loud bangs continue but then slow down and eventually stop. "Hahahahaa..." I hear Catnap's laugh echo throughout the halls as one last shot is fired. I hear walking and I quickly hide in one of the cupboards. 'Please not again. Catnap scares me sometimes, I don't like this.' "Come out Dogday I promise I won't hurt you... Maybe~" Catnap says while walking around. 'He's going to kill me!' "hmmm hmmm hmmm." Catnap hums as he walks around checking for me. I hold my breathe as his footsteps get louder and closer. He stops right in front of the cupboard for about 5 secodns then continues moving. After a minute or 2 of looking he leaves "I guess she ran away, I love a game of cat and mouse." Catnap says as I hear glass crunching and footsteps get quieter. I hear the footsteps get farther away and I exhale from holding my breath from too long. 'Jesus what is wrong with him? Why does he want to kill me?'

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