Chapter 13 - A Helping Hand

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Sir are you sure we should be doing this? It doesn't seem safe. I'm sure it's fine, plus we have to kill him now. Otherwise he will cause trouble for us later. But did you really have to involve [REDACTED]? I know it may seem extreme but we already made the deal with him and he's the only one who could help us so we are too far to go back now. Uggh fine.

POV ☽Catnap☾

"Good morning sunshine." I say while opening my eyes slowly. Dogday's lifeless body falls to the floor as catnap looks around. "W-WHAT. WHERE AM I? DOGDAY?" Catnap says as he looks around seeing himself in a jail cell. WHAT DO I DO?  WHAT HAPPENED TO DOGDAY? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? "DOGDAY? PLEASE WAKE UP DOGDAY." I yell while crawling over to Dogday's body and holding her in my arms. I look in her eyes and nothing looks back, there's no warmth from Dogday or pulse. She's... gone. I start to cry and curl into a ball.

"Oh kitty, oh kitty. Don't be sad." A voice calls out. "Where are you? Please help Dogday. She needs help. Please." I say worried, "Don't worry kitty she isn't dead. Not yet at least. I could bring her back, but I need you to make a deal with me." the voice speaks again as a shadow drops from above. "Y-Yes! Anything! Please... just save her." I say while standing up slowly, "Very well then, all I need from you is a small favor. Hmmmm... maybe for 1 hour I will have control of your body tomorrow? Something small you know?" the voice says as it's long lengthy skeletal arm reaches out for a hand shake. "That's not a small ask. What will you even do with my body?" I asked scared.

"It's part of a plan I have so don't worry." The voice responds. "Ok but... you won't hurt Dogday? Right?" I asked while holding my hand out, "I can say for certain that I won't hurt Dogday." The voice says while shaking my hand. "Ok then it's a deal." I say while shaking his hand back. "Be prepared for tomorrow kitty." his grip tightens and red circles appear around our hands. A bunch of rubble and debris floats and red blood fills the walls. We let go of our hands and it stops. Did I just... do something really bad.

"Oh also one more thing!" the voice says while retracting his hand. "Yeah?" I asked curiously. "You should probably duck."


I duck and a shoe hits the wall behind me. "JESUS." I yell while sitting up startled. "TAKE. THIS. SHIT. OFF. OF. ME. NOW!" Dogday screams as she looks furious. "OK OK CALM DOWN." I say while stumbling out of bed and taking the cone off of her. "Jeez why are you so mad?" I ask while exhaling from tiredness. "Well you would be mad too if you couldn't eat for 3 hours and kept trying to wake up a cat to help you but he wouldn't wake up." Dogday says as she gives me a death glare. Shit. Did I really ignore her for 3 hours? It felt like that dream was only like 5 minutes and now she's mad at me. Fuck I just made a deal with someone to revive Dogday who wasn't even dead. How can I be so stupid...

"Oh, sorry I guess I was having a really good sleep." I say with a fake smile, "Sleep!?!? More like eternal slumber." Dogday says as she walks away with sass. She then goes down stairs and starts eating breakfast. "Help... me." Dogday says as she struggles to lift her arm. "What's wrong? Are you ok? Do you need medicine?" I asked worried. "Arm. Neck. Itchy." Dogday says while bringing her arm up to scratch herself. "HEY. NO!" I yell while grabbing her arm. "Thank you." Dogday says with a sigh of relief and then picks up the spoon and starts eating. I wrap my tail around her arm and make it stay to her side. I could feel her trying to pull her arm up to scratch her neck but I just kept it down with my tail.

I make myself breakfast and then sat next to Dogday. Dogday finished her food first and started watching YouTube on her phone until I finished my food. I tilted my head and just looked at her then smiled. "What is it?" Dogday said, "Nothing, you just look really adorable." I say while getting up to put the dishes away. Dogday looks flustered and goes to the couch then lays down. I go upstairs and grab her cone. I sigh as I pick it up because I know what comes next. I go downstairs and look at Dogday, she looks back at me and shakes her head no.

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