Chapter 4 - A Unusual Morning

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We have tracked down why he is different. I don't know exactly why but it has something to do with their [REDACTED]. All of them don't know how to use it yet, all except for him. He found out how to use it and if boss finds out then he will try to manipulate that power for himself, killing all of us in the process. There may be a way we can prevent it, but it is still in development. All we can do is pray that he doesn't break out.

☽Catnap☾ POV


"AHH" I scream as I sit up to see a window broken. What the fuck is happening? I get up still a little sleepy but I'm too scared to be sleepy right now. I notice that everyone is gone. I start looking around worried and afraid.

"Catnap", a voice echoes.

"What do you want? Who are you? Where are my friends?" I ask worried. "Don't worry they are safe... for the most part." the voice chuckles, I have to find out what is happening I need to find my friends... I need to find Dogday. I look around the house for anything but I see nothing. Any trace of anyone being here was gone. Was I going insane? This has to be a dream right?

I curl my tail around myself to protect me as I go outside. What? It's still dark. What that fuck is happening? I notice a path of dirt formed in the grass to the forest. Nope nope nope nope. I'm not going in that scary fucking forest, but... I have to find Dogday. I walked down the path after forcing myself to and found a trail of blood where the road end and the forest starts.

I follow the blood up and down branches, ducking in and out of leaves and bushes. I feel like I have been walking for 20 minutes now. If this is a dream... I would've woken up by now. After a while of following the trail I stop and notice a pool of blood at my feet. I look up and see Dogday with his body torn in half. "DOGDAY" I scream. WHAT THE FUCK. WHO DID THIS TO YOU. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME HERE. PLEASE. Please Dogday, come back. I start crying while hugging her corpse.

"Catnap", a diffrent voice echoes.

"Fuck you, I will find out who you are and I will fucking kill you." I say looking around trying to find where the voice is coming from. "Excuse me?" the voice echoes again this time closer, "You heard me bitch" I say while still looking around. It goes silent for a while, then all the sudden.


"DOGDAY YOU BETTER GET YOUR LITTLE BOYFRIEND BEFORE I KILL HIM!" Hoppy screams. "AHHH" I scream siting up. I look around confused at what just happened. I see Hoppy staring at me with daggers in her eyes. Oh my god, that was a dream. Thank god. "WHAT THE FUCK HOPPY DON'T HIT HIM" Dogday yells back.

I get up and run to Dogday, I hug her while tears fill my eyes. "Catnap? You ok?" Dogday says hugging me back, "Yeah I just had a really bad dream." I respond. "Do you want to talk about it?" Dogdays asks with a worried tone. "No it's ok." I say. I don't want to make her worry about me. She already has enough stuff to deal with as is.

"Someone's clingy" Hoppy says while looking at Catnap, "Speak for yourself." I respond while pointing at her lap. Kicken's head is laying in Hoppy's lap just sleeping. "Well at least he doesn't call me a bitch and threatens to kill me." Hoppy says annoyed. Wow I was talking in my sleep? That's probably why she slapped me. (Catnap has a red mark on his face because Hoppy slapped the shit out of him😭)

"Ok guys so what are we going to do today?" Crafty asks while stretching, "Well first lets eat breakfast." Picky responds. "You're right but what should we eat?" Crafty asks, then they start talking among themselves about what they should eat for breakfast. "Uh Catnap?" Dogday whispers, "Yeah?" I say while still hugging her. I snuggle my head into the back of her neck. "This hug?" Dogday asks, "What about it?" I say confused. "You are kind of cutting off my circulation-" Dogday says while choking a little. "O-OPS SORRY." I say and quickly back away. I feel a little embarrassed that I hugged her so tight I was hurting her.

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