Chapter 4 - Left In the Dark

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POV ☽Catnap☾

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Dogday screamed loudly, I quickly cover her mouth with my hand to stop the loud scream. 'Jesus, is this stupid dog trying to make the neighbors go deaf?' "MMMMMM" Dogday muffled, I took my hand off her mouth and walked around the couch to face her. She still couldn't see me because it was pitch black but I could see her clear as day. "W-Who's there?" Dogday asked frightened, I turned on my flashlight and pointed to the ceiling so the room would be lit up. "Catnap?? WHERE WERE YOU. I WAS SITTING HERE FOR LIKE AN HOUR, AND WHY DID YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT." Dogday pestered me with questions, 'This dog is really starting to annoy me...'

After a few minutes of Dogday's continues questions she calmed down and said "I'm sorry I was just scared... and I don't like the dark so I started to freak out." she spoke with a sad tone and a scared expression, she also whispered the last part. I sighed, grabbed my phone and typed "I was showering calm down, but I'm sorry I took so long. Also it's getting pretty late and the storm is getting worse so I think it's best if you spend tonight here."

I showed Dogday the message and she had a visible blush on her face, I too blushed a little from embarrassment. We both looked away and avoided eye contact for a few seconds before she spoke "Y-Yeah sure, if it's not a problem for you." 'I'm offering her for help but she is still looking out for me? Wow that's... so stupid. Dumb dog.' I then typed "It's not a problem just let your people know so they don't get worried. I'm going to go start the backup generator, I'll be right back."

"W-WAIT! Let me come with you, I don't want to be alone in the dark..." Dogday said with a sad expression and pulling my shirt, 'Wow this dog is... really annoying. Whatever, as long as she doesn't scream anymore.' I nod my head and she then follows me close behind while I start waking to the attic. The floor boards creek in an eeriness while lighting strikes outside, we walk up the stairs and I could feel Dogday holding onto the back of my shirt. 'Such an annoying brat.' I thought as I walked down the hallway, 'Hmmm it should be somewhere around here... Aha! Found it.' I thought as I find a string hanging from the roof.

I pull on the string and the compartment above folds open, a puff of dust rushes down the cracks of the opening and falls onto the floor. 'Dam... I forgot how long it's been since I've opened this, so much dust.' I pull on the ladder that is folded on the inside and it creaks and cracks until it is fully extended. Jesus so much dust... to... much... dus-


'Jesus so much fucking dust I sneezed, I've really got to clean this place more often.' I wipe my nose and clean the steps. 'Awww he even sneezes like a cat, how cut- COOL!' Dogday thought. I pulled out my phone and typed "I have to go up here alone since it'll be faster. Stay here." I then tried to climb up the ladder but I felt Dogday pull my shirt again, I turned around to see Dogday with a scared expression again. "I'm scared... please don't leave me down here." Dogday trembled. 'Such an annoying fucking dog... but I feel a little bad. Plus, who could say no to those big adorable eyes. Wait what? NO. She's annoying, that's all. Hmmmmm what to do though... Oh! I know!'

I wrapped my tail around Dogday's hand and she held it tightly, "T-Thank you..." Dogday said while rubbing the hand that had my tail wrapped around on her face. 'God this is so embarrassing to have someone touching my tail... this dog is seriously going to pay me back one day.' I started to climb the ladder and I felt Dogday squeeze my tail harder, I finally got to the top and walked around. 'This place is depressing jesus... now if I remember correctly it should be somewhere around he- GAH WHAT THE FUCK! DID DOGDAY JUST DO WHAT I THINK SHE DID!?'

POV ☼DogDay☼

'Woah Catnap's tail is really soft... it's so fluffy like a cloud. And it feels so warm...' I thought as I slowly stroke his tail. 'It's so nice and has an amazing smell, I wonder if I just...' I think as I put his tail up to my face and give it a small kiss. 'Wow it's so soft. Wait... WHY DID I DO THAT. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??' I panicked and just went back to petting his tail. "Meoww..." I heard a Catnap and looked up to see him peeking over while covering his face slightly. He showed his phone to me while still covering his face and it read "fuck you." SHIT HE CAUGHT ME. I quickly looked away while covering my face and Catnap went back to searching.

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