Chapter 5 - The Race for Day and Night

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We are still working on the weakness for him, but it has proven to be difficult. We still don't know how it works so we have to proceed with caution. We shouldn't worry though not even he has perfected his [REDACTED]. We tried monitoring him with cameras but he has destroyed all of them so we are sending a drone in so he can't reach it but we can still watch him. I believe they are doing a race today, this will be an opportunity to record his psychical abilities. 

POV ☽Catnap☾

After setting up the tape for the race I laid on a nearby tree and closed my eyes to get a little sleep. I laid there feeling so comfortable and relaxed. The trees swayed with the wind and the grass blew along with it. The sun even though it was fake still provided nice warmth. I haven't felt this good in a while. As I'm laying there I feel a warmth around me, I open my eyes to see Dogday cuddling me while sleeping as well.

"You are so comfy." Dogday mumbles while digging her face deeper into my chest. "You are really fluffy for a cat you know that?" Dogday mumbles again, "Was that an insult or a compliment?" I say confused. Dogday giggles as she hugs me. I lay there and just take in everything that is happening right now. The view of a grassy field and wind blowing across the grass, the houses and their neatly decorated roofs and the noises the wind makes as it blows past my ears. Not to mention the ball of joy curled up next me cuddling.

I look down at Dogday to see her sound asleep. I guess all that cooking in the morning really did a number on her. I run my fingers through her fur and feel how soft she is. The fake sunlight reflecting off her fur. It's so nice to just sit and take everything in once in a while. As I pet Dogday I feel myself getting sleepy, but Dogday's tail wagging keeps me up which is kind of a good thing because I know they are watching. I've noticed that they tried placing cameras in all of our houses.

I've scratched and broken all of them but I still feel like they are watching. Whatever, if they wanted something from me I would like to see them try. I sit there and think while I curl my tail around Dogdays waist.

Crunch Crunch Crunch

I heard the noise of crunching around me. I open one of my eyes to see... Dogday??? "What are you doing." I say confused. "Sorry I got a little hungry" Dogday says as she lets go of her bite on my ear. "We just ate breakfast though?" I ask, "Yeah I know but you just taste so good." She says while giggling.

"HEY GUYS WAKE UP!" Hoppy screams across the field. Me and Dogday stand up to see Hoppy and kicken running toward us. Well only hoppy was running, Kicken was walking while looking at Hoppy and smiling. Jeez does that girl ever get tired? I mean I thought Dogday was always energetic but seeing Hoppy... that's a different level.

We look around and see Crafty and Bubba walking toward us too with Picky and Bobby behind. We all meet in the middle and greet each other. Everyone but me of course, I don't like saying hi it's so pointless. Why would I want to know what they have been doing or how have they been when I already know?

"You guys ready to get beat?" Hoppy says enthusiastically, "Only if you are ready to get second place!" Bobby says with a competitive spirt. "Oh you are on!" Hoppy says, "Save it for the race you two." Dogday says while stretching and yawning. "Hmm, what if we do teams again?" Picky says, "I mean it could be cool in a race?" Crafty says confused.

"I'm guessing we already know who we want to be with?" Bubba says, "I'm with Kicken!" Hoppy says happily. "I'm with Picky!" Bobby says while smiling, "I guess I'm with you Crafty." Bubba says. Crafty slightly blushes as she goes next to bubba. "It's us together again." Dogday says as she sighs, "Do you want a different partner?" I ask a little sad.

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