Chapter 12 - Cone of Death

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We have been studying Huggy more like you wanted. We figured out what triggered it, but it's specific to each person. Well? What's his? Uh... we don't know, he doesn't seem to be attached or connected to anything or anyone. He has no [REDACTED] to trigger. He has to have one, everyone has one and I think I know which one it is for him.

POV ☼DogDay☼

Ah, another beautiful morning. I wake up to see my favorite feline cuddling next to me, I love him so much. His fur is so soft and vibrant, all I want to do is just pet him. He starts purring and gets closer to me, he then wraps his tail around me and brings me closer. "Catnap we have to get up its already 11:46 AM." I say while trying to get out, "mmm... 5 more minutes." he muffles. God my neck is so itchy I have to scratch it.

scratch scratch scratch

"If you don't get up I'll lick you." I said, "You wouldn't dare." Catnap said a little scared. "Blehhhh." I stuck my tongue out and got closer to him, I didn't want to lick him because I knew he wouldn't forgive me but I wanted to see if he would give up. I got closer and closer but he still stayed latched on to me, "Your right I can't" I said in defeat. "Ha I knew it." Catnap sighed in relief. "But I can do this." I say while I start tickling him, "AAAAA." He screams and laughs while struggling to give him. "AAAAHAHAHAH." Catnap screams even louder, "DO YOU SURRENDER?" I yell over his laughter and screaming. "YES YES I SURRENDER, PLEASE NO MORE." Catnap begs as he covers his side for protection. "That's what I thought, Hmph." I say while getting off of Catnap and into the bed. God my  neck is so itchy again, I have to scratch it.

scratch scratch scratch

"I'm going to go make breakfast what do you wa-" I say before getting cut off, "PANCAKES!" Catnap screams while stumbling out of bed. "Jeez, aren't you excited?" I giggle before going downstairs to the kitchen. I pull up the pan and I start making the pancakes. I made 4 pancakes, 2 of them were sun shaped and the other 2 were moon shaped. After about 6 minutes the food was ready "CATNAP BREAKFAST IS READY!" I screamed from downstairs. I then heard what I guessed to be Catnap getting out of bed running across the hall but then falling. He then came downstairs and sat next to me. I gave 1 moon and 1 sun to Catnap and I got the other moon and sun. Jesus my neck is really itchy what is wrong with me?

scratch scratch scratch

"Are you ok?" Catnap asked while still eating, "What do you mean?" I ask confused. "Well it's the third time you have scratched your neck in that exact spot." Catnap responded, "I'm sure it's just a mosquito bite or something." I said trying to make it not seem like a big deal. "Let me see then." Catnap said while getting closer to my neck, "N-no it's fine." I said nervously. I didn't want Catnap to see my neck which was probably filled with cuts since it still hasn't healed from the fight. "Haha you are funny... I wasn't asking." Catnap said with a serious face, "I just don't want you to worry about me..." I said with a sad tone. "You know it's my job to worry about you." he responded while clicking my collar open, he then took it off and saw my neck. Ah finally my neck is getting air but it's still so itchy.

scratch scratch scratch

"DOGDAY STOP SCRATCHING." Catnap yelled at me, "WHAT? WHY?" I asked scared. "You are bleeding, you scratched yourself so much that it's bleeding." Catnap said while going to get a mirror. He came back a few seconds later and gave it to me. I looked at my neck and it was red, there was blood dripping down my neck. Not a lot of blood but just a little drop. "God what did I do..." I say with a saddened tone. "What do we do???" Catnap said with a worried tone. "Calm down! It's ok! I know someone who can heal me." I said trying to calm Catnap down. "Get dressed we have to go to his house." I said while putting the plates away. Catnap said ok and we both got dressed. We did our morning routines and then left the house. Ah god this is so dam itchy I swear.

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