Chapter 10 - Trusting Bonds

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POV ☽Catnap☾

"Time to ride."

I get onto the motorcycle and hot wire the ignition. 'What do they want with Dogday? They should only be going after me? Unless they are going after others as well...' questions filled my head as I sped down the road. I finally caught up to the car and I saw them going through a busy street to get me off them. I drove in-between the cars and slid through the gaps. I was catching u even more and now I was behind the car. "Kzttt... Blue, Red. You guys are up, keep him off our tail." A person said through the radio. 'Blue and Red? Who is tha-'


Shots come from the left and right, I quickly pull back from the bullets. A blue motorcycle comes from the left side and a red motorcycle comes from the right, both people have guns and are firing at me. 'This isn't good, the car is getting away. But I can't get close with these two guys on me. I have to eliminate these people first.' Before I can continue thinking I get bullets shot from both sides again and I have to pull away again. While driving I think of a plan, 'Hmm... I only have 2 bullets left, better make them count.'

All 4 vehicles are driving extremely fast but there are cars in-between us that cover us for a few seconds, I could use that to my advantage. I speed up and see the blue motorcycle flicker in the cars, I then stop and hide behind a car so it looks like I just disappeared. I then start the motorcycle again and go onto the sidewalk. I speed up and I'm behind the blue motorcycle. "Gotcha." I say as I shoot him. '1 down. 1 more to go.' I get back onto the road but get barraged with bullets. I swerve back and fourth to evade the bullets, he kept firing but eventually the gun just clicked without ammo. "My turn."


I shoot but it misses, "Haha, You missed loser!" the person says while reloading. "Wasn't aiming for you." I respond. He looks forward and sees the traffic light falling directly on him. "Ohh... shi-" BANG 'Finally I can get back to Dogday.' I swerve through the cars and eventually we get to a road that seems to go on forever and not a single car is in sight except for the gang's car and Catnap's motorcycle. I drive up to the car from the right but a person sticks there head out the window and starts shooting. I get behind the car to distance myself, 'Shit how do I stop the car now?' I think for a little but hear whimpering coming from the back trunk. 'That's how.' I drive up right next to the back of the car and I jump...



I land on the back and I'm holding the door on the back of the car, but my motorcycle spins out of control and falls then it blows up which makes the gang member start looking around. Knock Knock Knock "Pst Dogday. You there?" I whisper while trying to open the door. "no I'm not..." Dogday says quietly between sniffles. 'Is she crying?' "Dogday can you open the door?" I ask trying to peek around the truck. "No they tied me to this handle!" Dogday yells, "Shut up you loud dog." the driver yells while banging on the wall. 'Hm this gives me an idea...' "Dogday distract the drivers for me." I say while climbing on the roof of the car. "W-Wait! How? I don't know how to distract them!" Dogday whisper/yells. "You're Dogday. Just have a regular conversation." I say while finishing climbing. 'Hmm now how do I get this car to stop...'

POV ☼DogDay☼

'Have a conversation? He's right that's easy, Just make small talk with the people who are kidnapping me...' "So... The weather huh?" Dogday says nervously. (Catnap hears this god awful attempt and cries on the inside.) "Haha, you're a funny dog. Even when being kidnapped you are still talking to us like friends. Well the weather is nice, a slight breeze and a quiet night. Don't you just love the night? Isn't it so peaceful?" the driver responds. 'The night... I sure do love it. Even though my name is DogDay I still like the night a lot. but don't get me wrong the  day is still amazing! but something about the quiet and dark environment is so comforting. Like a field of flowers where you are the only person there. Not held by any laws, just... free.' "You're right! The night is so beautiful. but you got one thing wrong." Dogday says while backing up a little. The driver and passenger turn to Dogday confused. "The night is quiet."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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