Chapter 5 - Bloody Bat

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POV ☽Catnap☾

(In Catnap's Dream)

Wha... what is this feeling? I feel... warm? I open my eyes to see myself in a grassy field, 'What the fuck...' I slowly stand up and look around, there are no building or trees. It's just an empty plane of grass, I look up and notice the sun is at sunrise position. This place is so... beautiful, where am I? I walk around and feel the tall grass brushing against me, it tickles a little. 'This doesn't feel that bad... it actually feels nice.' I start jogging through the grass while giggling at the grass tickling me.

"HAHA THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!" I yelled, "AAAAAAAHH!" I yell again shocked. 'WHAT THE FUCK. I CAN TALK? I sound so... tired? This is weird.' "h-hello?" I spoke again, 'wow this is so cool...' I thought as I laid on the grass. The warm feeling and the cold breeze made a nice middle which felt extremely nice. I sat there for a few seconds and just breathed in and felt everything. This is so relaxing... "Playing hide and seek again are we?" A familiar voice spoke, I sat up quickly while looking around. My eyes saw a purple figure standing above me looking down, for some reason I felt smaller. The purple figure picked me up and carried me in their arms, somehow I fit into their arms like I was a little kid again? 

'What is happening?' I thought as the person started walking to a house which wasn't there before. "Come on honey I made you breakfast, it's your favorite! Pancakes and eggs!" the soft voice spoke again. Now that I could get a good look at the person's face I was surprised to see a purple furred cat, wait a second... mom? 'WHAT THE FUCK? THAT'S MY MOM, MY REAL MOM? It's been so long since I've seen her. I must've forgotten how she looked like. I really do miss her...'

Mom opens the door and brings me inside, she then sits me down on the chair next to the table and sets the plate of food in front of me. "It looks so yummy! Thank you mom!" my voice is so much younger now, and why did I say that? Shouldn't I be asking where I am or what's happening or...

how she's alive?

But for some reason I don't want to, I feel safe here and I don't want it to end. I'm... happy here. While watching TV and eating my favorite breakfast I hear a knock at the door. "Can you get that for me nappy?" my mom yells from another room. "Ok!" I respond while walking to the door. I reach up to grab the knob and I turn it. "GO GO GO!" A bunch of armed people in white outfits rush in the house pushing me aside. "Clear the house!" A person yells while a bunch of other people break in through the windows. 'Oh no... not this again' My eyes start to tear up as I hear them run through out the whole house. One of the officers grab me and I struggle as they throw me outside and onto the grass outside. I quickly stand up and see it's night time, 'I don't like this part...' I think as I look up to the second floor of the house. I look and see through one of the windows, I hear a bunch of screaming and yells before...


A gunshot goes off and blood splatters the window, I'm left outside looking up at the window splattered in blood. My eyes fill with tears and I burst out crying. 'God I hate seeing this. I don't want to see this anymore...' My body goes back to normal height and I can't speak anymore. The floor splits open and I fall into a deep dark hole, red smoke fills my lungs and I start to cough. Before I realize it I'm 3000 feet into the air and falling quickly, I see the ground getting closer and my head gets louder with whispers and screams. I keep crying and right before I reach the floor I close my eyes and scream.

POV ☼DogDay☼

"MEOWWWWWWWWW!" Catnap screams, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I scream back startled at what's happening. Catnap looks around franticly and is breathing heavily. "WHAT THE HECK." I yell at Catnap, Catnap then turns to me and hugs me tightly, I feel Catnap's grip on me is extremely tight so I can't do anything. All the sudden I feel something wet on my shirt followed by the sounds of sniffles. "Catnap? Are you okay?" I ask worried, after a few seconds of silence Catnap responds "m-meoww..."

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