Chapter 8 - Sports Day

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I want this whole placed searched now! Every place searched now you hear me? Sir I know but we just can't do it we don't have the men for it right now. And? You think I care? Send everyone now. Don't make me repeat myself. Sorry sir, right away. I will have that pendent. Even if it costs me my life.

POV ☼DogDay☼

Some times I wonder if Catnap is happy. He barely smiles and the times that he dose smiling it's only a little smirk or laugh. I felt something squeezing my left leg as it tied around me. It felt like rope in a way? I don't know, I opened one of my eyes to see a purple fluff ball looking directly at me. "Good morning to you too." I said while giggling and a little confused at the same time. "Sorry you just looked so adorable." he said as he looked into my soul. Even though he said I looked adorable, his eyes were dilatated so much. There was almost no white in his eyes at all. "Speak for yourself." I say while petting him gently. His ears flicked and he started to knead his paws on my stomach. "What are you doing?" I asked confused while giggling from him slightly tickling me. He didn't say anything but he just stared at me with his eyes widened and just kept kneading his paws. It felt so comfortable, his soft purrs and he gently kneaded my stomach. We stayed there for around 10 more seconds and he snapped out of it. "Huh, OH SORRY." he said flustered as he pulled his hands away and turned to face the other way.

I felt a little sad since it felt kind of nice and I miss his warmth. "I didn't say to stop." I told him as I pulled him closer to me. "B-But it's 7:20 AM we should probably get out of bed." He said nervously, "Or I have a better idea~" I said while kissing his neck. I could see his face getting more red, so cute.


"DOGDAY, CATNAP OPEN UP. I KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE!" Hoppy screamed from outside. Ughhh can't I get some alone time with Catnap? ALSO HOW THE FUCK IS SHE UP HERE??? WE ARE LITERLLY AT THE TOP OF THE DOME FLOATING ON A MOON. "I'll be right back kitty." I said to Catnap while giving him a kiss. I got up and groaned as I walked to the door. I opened it and saw Hoppy standing there with excitement. "Ok first of all what do you want, and also how did you get up here." I asked in a sleepy and tired voice. "I wanted to see if you and Catnap wanted to play soccer with everyone. Also I just jumped up here." she responded, "Hm let me ask. CATNAP." I screamed from downstairs. "YEAH?" he replied, "DO YOU WANT TO PLAY SOCCER WITH EVERYONE." I screamed back. "NOT REALLY." he responded. "OK GET DRESSED WE ARE GOING IN 30 MINUTES." I yelled back. "FUCK YOU." Catnap screamed, "I LOVE YOU TOO." I responded. I don't care if he said no or yes he was going anyways, I just wanted to ask him to make him feel like he had a choice. "Yeah we will play." I told Hoppy as she stood there in shock as to what just happened. "Jeez what a amazing couple you two are." she giggled as she jumped off the moon. Jesus how does she even jump the high.

I heard Catnap groan and get out of bed. Sounded like he wanted to die, well I was going to kill him if he didn't get up anyways. I headed back upstairs to see Catnap with a blanket around him and with messy fur. "You look... interesting." I said as I looked him up and down, "Oh really? Seems like I'm not the only one." he said as he pointed to my head. My fur was messed up on the side I slept on. I hate bed head so annoying ugh. "Whatever. What do you want for breakfast?" I said while covering myself in his blanket. "Hm... I want to try that sunshine cereal you were so excited about." He said as he walked with me downstairs. I went into the pantry and grabbed the cereal. I then poured it and put the bowl in front of him. He tilted his head slightly and looked at it. "Looks like any other cereal." he said as he picked up the spoon and got a mouthful.

Crunch Crunch Crunch

He took a bite out of it and his eyes lit up. "Woah this is pretty good!" he said with his mouth full. I put my bowl next to him and started eating as well. We both finished the cereal and started getting ready. He went to go shower and I went to brush my teeth. After he finished showering we switched places and I was now showering while he brushed his teeth. When I got out he was blow drying his fur, I stood just shook my body and all the water flew off. I then puffed up and my fur was everywhere. "Really?" Catnap looked at me annoyed as he was drenched in water. I giggled and went jumped into the box of clothes first to see what to wear. I picked some black shorts and a grey shirt. I then went into the shoes and picked out some soccer cleats that I had for the soccer game but I wore the white jordans I had. While I was picking out shoes Catnap was in the clothes box and he picked out a black compression shirt and black shorts. He also grabbed a purple hoodie because he was cold. He then went into the shoe box and saw me looking at different shoes. "You look good." he said while picking out his black air forces. "Thank you! You also look good handsome~" I said while giggling, he rolled his eyes and we left the box. We then headed downstairs and went outside. He grabbed both our pendants and gave me mine, he then pulled out the cloud and I laid on it. Catnap moved the cloud around in a weird pattern and then after a little we finally landed.

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