Chapter 2 - Nice and Neat

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Sir I know you want to but we cant! It's too risky. We have to pull him out NOW. You have to think about the company and not yourself. There are other people in there whose lives you are putting at risk, all for some little experiment. Really? AND WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN WHEN HE HAS HAD ENOUGH?

Dogday had just left Catnap's house after inviting him to a sleepover with the other critters. While waiting for it to get darker Dogday and Catnap decide to do something to pass the time.

POV ☽Catnap☾

As I sit in my room I decide to read. After about 30 minutes of reading I get bored and turn on the TV to watch. "Jesus, I need to do something now." I am  extremely bored and would do literally anything to get rid of this boredom. I decide to get out the house and go on a walk. As I walk around I take in everything that's going on around me. I prefer the night but something about today was different.

 The chirping of birds, the way the sun beams down with its rays, the grass flowing like water. Something about it was just... nice. I decide to walk a little more and see the critters in the distance having a picnic. They don't notice me and I don't mind. I climb a tree near by and lay on the branches. The shade of the leaves from the bright sun was nice, and the warmth I felt was amazing. As I sat there the nice and warm feeling I felt caused me to fall asleep slowly. 

I laid there peacefully sleeping, thinking about what it would feel like to feel the actual sun. Oh yes I know, this place, these houses, these trees, they are all fake. I don't know why they decided to put me in here. They know something that I don't. I sat there wondering and trying to think about what I should do when I was awaken by screaming.

"CATNAP! CATNAP!" Dogday screams. God can a cat just sleep in peace? "Go away I'm trying to sleep" I said annoyed. "Catnap its 5pm get up lazy." Dogday said with a pouting face. "Do I have to?" I ask. "Please?" Dogday says with a pleading tone. I decided to get up since it looked like Dogday wouldn't leave me alone anytime soon.

crunch crunch BANG

I leaped off the branch and landed in front of Dogday. "Come on kitty you are going to help me." Dogday says. "With what?" I say confused, "Getting the sleepover ready, you know my house is not going to clean itself." Dogday says while trying to push me in the direction of her house.

POV ☼DogDay☼

After a LOT of pushing and nudging I finally get Catnap to help me clean my house. As we walk to my house I ask him some questions. "So what did you eat for breakfast today?" I ask trying to start a conversation, "Cereal" he responds. Wow such a cold response, did I do something to make him mad or something? Oh wait I forgot I literally broke into his room and looked around his house without permission. " I didn't mean to make you mad. I just wanted to see your house since I've never seen it before" I say frowning a little. "Don't worry I'll get revenge." He says while smirking.

We finally get to my house and I open the door for him. He walks in and waits for me to put my stuff down. "Ok Catnap I need you to clean the kitchen and living room." I say like as if I was in the army. Catnap goes along and says "Yes ma'am" while saluting me. We both giggle and start working. He cleans the floor and counters while picking up blankets and placing them for the couch while I clean the upstairs and get the ingredients for the food. 

"DONE!" I yell at Catnap as I start making my way downstairs I notice Catnap's tail getting longer? Catnap notices me and quickly retracts his tail and jumps from being startled. "What was that?" I ask confused, "Uhh, nothing" he says nervously. I get face to face with him and say "Catnap... What. Was. That." trying to get him to answer. "I-I told you it was nothing!" He says while looking away. "Mhm, sure." I say in a sarcastic tone, "So what do you need me to do now?" he says trying to switch the subject. "Well we need to make the cookies I got from picky " I say while moving over to the kitchen. "Do you have the recipe?" he asks, "Yeah here, this is all the ingredients." I say while handing him the list.

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