Chapter 6 - Lights Out

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Sir the next experiment is ready to go shall I initiate it? Not yet, otherwise he will get suspicious. We don't want our lab rat running away now do we? Also, have you brought the item I asked for? Yes I have but I don't understand why you would need a [REDACTED]? I believe it would be useful against him if he were to try and escape.

☼DogDay☼ POV

After we won the event everyone was pretty tired, so we decided to head home and call it a day. Catnap carried me home since I had an injury, even though it wasn't that bad! I could walk just fine! Whatever, I kind of liked him carrying me. He felt so soft and his fur were like clouds, I ended up sleeping in his arms by the time he got to my house. He went inside and placed me on the bed. He then laid a blanket over me and let me sleep. "Goodnight my sunshine." He said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead. God I love that cat so much.

As I went to sleep I had a terrible nightmare. It was a nightmare that hurt me so much to see. I had died but it's not that that made me sad. It was the fact that I could see everyone while I was dead. I was laid in a forest with my lower half torn off. I then was laid on a tree, I couldn't see who killed me but all I could make out was a big smile and what seemed to be blue skin? I don't know I couldn't tell it was too dark. After that had happened I stayed near my body for a while and then I heard screaming. Another one of his victims maybe?

"DOGDAY" the voice echoed, "YES? WHERE ARE YOU?" I responded confused. After a while there was no response. Maybe they didn't hear me? I heard crunching behind a bush which I turned to look at. The rustling became louder and louder until finally... Catnap walked through. "DOGDAY!" Catnap screamed, "CATNAP!" I screamed back while running toward him for a hug. I was so happy to see him, I was alone and scared but at least I found my light. As I went to him to hug he started crying. He screamed out in pain and when he got to me I tried to hug him but went right through him. I turn around to see Catnap staring at my dead corpse, he starts crying even more as he hugs my dead body. "Catnap I'm right here? Can you hear me?" I respond as tears start to fill my eyes.

"Catnap." a different voice echoes.

"Fuck you, I will find out who you are and I will fucking kill you." Catnap says looking around trying to find where the voice is coming from. "Excuse me?" the voice echoes again this time closer, "You heard me bitch" he says while still looking around. It goes silent for a while, then all the sudden. "CATNAP BEHIND YOU." I yell out in terror. A hooded person goes behind Catnap and stabs him in the back. "FUCK YOU" Catnap screams as he grabs the person and throws them. He just got stabbed does he not realize that?

A LITTLE GORE WARNING so watch out, you can check after the 🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓🌓

"IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU" Catnap screams as he wraps his tail around the persons neck and squeezes it tight. Catnap started choking him to death, I could see his face turning purple and lungs collapse. "IM GOING TO MAKE THIS HURT" Catnap says as he impales the person's ribcage. A muffled scream can be heard from the person as tears ran down their face. Catnap grabs a ribcage bone and rips it out. I've never seen Catnap like this before... he seems so scary. Catnap then lets the grip go and the person dropped to the floor as he holds his stomach screaming in pain. "You talk too much." Catnap says as he impales the persons throat, he then grabs his trachea and rips it out. Catnap then grabs the persons jaw and snaps it in half. His lower jaw was gone and blood was pooling out like crazy. The person looked up in tears as his jaw was on the floor along with his trachea and one of his ribcages.



Catnap swipes his hand at the mans lower torso wiping it clean off. Holy shit his claws are sharper than razors and more powerful than a jackhammer. He took of that guys legs with just 1 swipe? That's not normal, that's... scary. "I'll give you the same punishment you did to him but worse." Catnap says as he grabs the person arms on either side and pulls it apart until he pulls both of them off. The man was now armless and legless, not to mention that his lower jaw and trachea were completely gone. Blood splattered all over the trees as all of the persons limbs lay on the floor bleeding out. After what felt like 5 minutes of suffering Catnap grabs the man by his head and puts it between his hands. He then squeezes until... POP Catnap crushes his skull. The person's corpse was laying there as blood still pooled out of them despite not being alive. Catnap then turns around and I see his face... a giant smile across his face as if he was so happy. He then looked at his hands with blood stained on them and started crying. He fell to his knees and cried even more while looking at his hands, his smiled still on his face though. It felt like it was a forced smiled like someone was controlling him. I started crying as I wasn't able to talk to or interact with Catnap. I was forced to sit there and watch as Catnap cried out and then he takes a gun the person had at their hip. "Catnap what are you doing?" I say while still crying a little. My face goes pale as Catnap points the gun toward himself. He puts it up to his head and...

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