Chapter 3 - Sleeping With the Moon

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It's fine we just have to play along for now. We owe everything to the company so we must do everything to give back. We will just have to up the security measures that all. There's nothing to worry about right? Except for the fact that there is a monster in there that could kill us all if it wanted. God why dose he have to be so stubborn? 

POV ☽Catnap☾

Dogday has officially started the sleepover, even though she started it I just sit in the corner and read my book. I've never really liked or talked much to the other critters. I've already tried escaping Dogday's torture by making an excuse or running away but she sees right through me so I can't do anything but stay and play along.

"So do you guys want to play Sorry?" Kicken suggests, "But how? There's 8 of us and only 4 people can play?" Bobby questioned. "We will just do teams but each person has their own turns!" Kicken explains, "So we would roll the dice twice because each team would have 2 people?" Bubba asked. "Yep that's how it works." Kicken said

"I want to be on a team with Bubba!" Crafty said excited, "I guess I'll go with Bobby?" Picky said. " But that means I have to go with this stupid chicken." Hoppy said while pointing at Kicken, "HEY, anyone would be lucky to have me on their team!" Kicken replied in a proud tone. They all giggled as they got the board game out.

"I guess that means that you and me are on a team" Dogday whispered to me, "Yeah I guess so." I whisper back slightly sad because I felt like a last option. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Dogday whisper as she smiled at me. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE YOU KNOW THE RULES OF SORRY, LETS GET THIS GAME  ON." Hoppy screamed in excitement.

First we started the game with Picky & Bobby going first, then Crafty & Bubba and after that it was Hoppy & Kicken. Then finally it was me and Dogday's turn. We rolled a 1 and got one of our pieces out! Then we kept rotating in the same order and playing the game. Bubba & Crafty were strategizing on how to play, Picky & Bobby just kept talking and giggling. Hoppy & Kicken kept arguing about their plan and they couldn't get along, I swear sometimes those 2 act like siblings. Me and Dogday were just having fun and she kept smiling at me for some reason?

"What is it?" I ask, "What do you mean?" Dogday responds. "You keep smiling at me." I say confused, "It's just because I like looking at you." she giggles. I can feel my face heat up, I burry my face in my arms since I was laying on my stomach. At this point everyone is pretty hyped since it is around the end of the game.

"ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING? THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS" Kicken shouts at Hoppy, "OH SORRY MR KNOW IT ALL." Hoppy replies with sarcasm. "WILL YOU 2 STOP FIGHTING, I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF IT" Bobby snaps. The room goes silent for a second then everyone starts arguing. "YOU TOOK MY PIECE ON PURPOSE BECUASE YOU KNEW I WAS BETTER" Crafty says, "YOU? BETTER? DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH" Picky responds. 

The arguing doesn't stop but it just gets louder. Me and Dogday look at each other and sigh. Since we are all laying down and nobody is paying attention because of the arguing I wrap my tail around Dogday's thigh. Dogday notices and starts turning red, her tail starts to wag really fast. "Ok red helicopter calm down." I say jokingly, "S-Shut up" Dogday stutters. 

I then feel a sudden warmth around my arm. Dogday is wrapped around my arm hugging it. "Wow you are so warm." Dogday says while getting closer, "W-What are you doing?" I say flustered, "Just getting comfortable, we don't know how long this arguing is going to last." She says while cuddling me. "You're right I should get comfortable too." I say while holding Dogday closer. She hugs my body and pushes her head onto my chest.

Prrr Prrr Prrr

Shit I started purring because I was relaxed. She looks at me amazed, "SHUT UP" I scream whisper at her. "Hehehee whatever you say kitty" Dogday says. "Goodnight Dogday" I say while closing my eyes, "Goodnight Catnap" she responds. "I. . . love. . . y-"Dogday says before Hoppy says "What are you 2 love birds doing?". We both sit up and look around to see everyone staring at us. "S-SLEEPING" Dogday says nervously while blushing. Both of our faces are extremely red at this point and we are super embarrassed.

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