Chapter 9 - Partners in Crime

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Sir, the [REDACTED] is ready for use, do we send it out now? No, wait for night when most of them are asleep. I don't want him to wake up and break it, but I don't think that'll be a problem since I built it myself. I wonder if it will work differently on him though since he is different. I guess we will have to find out if he discovers it.

POV ☽Catnap☾

Yesterday was so tiring, we played that soccer match hard. I've never actually played like that before. It was actually... fun. I wake up to see orange clouds in my face. Am I in the sky? I Look around and see the sun and just a bunch of clouds. It was so bright, even though I was in the air I could barely breath. I blinked and I was on the ground now? What the fuck is happening? I looked around again and saw I was in a flower field but all the flowers were orange and yellow. I blink again and I was in a forest, but all the leaves were orange and yellow like the fall. The sun peaked through the trees and shined into my eyes. Every time I blinked I was placed somewhere else. I rapidly blinked my eyes and I kept switching places. The scene was always an orange-yellow colored place, the scenes rapidly went past my eyes until it all went black. I tried to blink again but this time it didn't switch places. Then I started to suffocate, I felt my lungs running out of air and choking. I screamed for help but my scream was muffled and quiet. Cotton began to fill my lungs and I slowly closed my eyes from the lack of air. Is this how I die? I felt so weak and I pushed off a wall as a last ditch effort.


I popped out of Dogday's chest. I laid back and gasped for air, "DOGDAY WHAT THE FUCK." I screamed. "WHAT?" She screamed confused, "YOU WERE SUFFACTING ME WITH YOUR BOOBS." I yelled still breathing heavily. She laughed and saw I was being serious. "YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME." I said as I calmed down, "But you looked so comfortable, also it felt nice that you were sleeping on my chest." She said while giggling. I looked at her and looked away in anger. "Aww come on it's not that bad." she said while pulling me closer, "No it wasn't bad, it was torture. I COULDN'T BREATHE." I responded. "So dramatic." She said while getting out of bed.

We both walked downstairs and got breakfast ready. We then did our regular morning routine, I would take a shower while Dogday brushed her teeth then we would switch. After that we would go into the box and get dressed. We then went downstairs and opened the door, I summoned my cloud and we both got on. I grabbed our pendants and then started curving around the cameras. "So how did you sleep?" I asked Dogday while driving. "I slept amazing! It was so breezy since I wasn't wearing clothes. I actually enjoyed it! Maybe I'll start sleeping without clothes more." She said while smirking, "Try not to suffocate me next time you do." I said while moving a little away from Dogday. We both giggled then sat down, Dogday laid her head on my shoulder as I moved the cloud. After a few minutes we finally got to the floor, the second we touched the floor we smelt something good.

"Hmmmm what is that smell? It smells delicious!" Dogday said while looking around. "I don't know but whatever it is I need it now." I said while looking around as well. In the distance we saw Hoppy and Kicken laying on the grass on each other. "Awww how cuteeee." Dogday said while pointing, "We literally do that like everyday." I said as I sighed. Crafty and Bubba were on the other side and crafty was painting Bubba. "Well does it look good?" Crafty said as she nervously showed Bubba the portrait, "HECK YEAH THAT LOOKS AMAZING!" Bubba yelled. We then looked around again to see where the smell was coming from, but we saw nothing. "Over there!" Dogday said while pointing at Picky's house, "There is nothing there?" I said confused. "You don't see that trail?" Dogday asked confused. "What trail?" I tilted my head.

"Oh! I forgot you can't see smells." She said while walking toward Picky's house, "YOU CAN SEE SMELLS?" I yelled in amaze. "Yeah? I don't know it's not like see but more like a sense? It's a dog thing." She said confused. She tried to explain it but it was difficult to explain something you cant see but wow, her ability to smell is insane. We walked to Picky's house and saw her baking a pie, "OOOOOO I NEED IT NOW!" Dogday whisper yelled. "But she is never going to let us." Dogday said as she frowned, "Says who?" I said while smirking. "Picky doesn't let me near her food after... the incident." she said as she looked shell shocked. "Well she dosn't have to know." I said, "What do you mean?" Dogday responded.

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